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Thread: Divorce agreement

  1. #81
    CGN frequent flyer All in fun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Petrock View Post
    Democracy is simply Mob rule. We need a Republic where the rights of the individual are not over whelmed by the whims of the majority.

    Time for Libertarianism and yes, Canada needs to be taken back to the days before Confederation and let those who want to live in a prison do so and those who want to live free, move to the free zones.
    Democracy is when 2 wolves and a sheep get together to decide on what's for dinner.

  2. #82
    CGN Regular
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    I was onboard, till you sacrificed poor Mr Dressup... my innocent childhood demands his return!!
    Police officers have some special Jedi-like mastery over handguns that private citizens can never hope to obtain.
    -40 Reasons to support gun control

  3. #83
    CGN Regular ALJ99's Avatar
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    “ In All Thy Sons Command “
    I would Leave Religion/s outta the Agreement !!!
    Keep Canada Tactical

  4. #84
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer rajczak_kashka's Avatar
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    Nice work here!

  5. #85
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer rajczak_kashka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark978 View Post
    I was onboard, till you sacrificed poor Mr Dressup... my innocent childhood demands his return!!
    Think he was referring to our illustrious Prime Minister as he has a passion for costumes, props and gimmickry

  6. #86
    CGN frequent flyer Stoner99's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ALJ99 View Post
    I would Leave Religion/s outta the Agreement !!!
    That is a big part of why this country is disintegrating into degeneracy and of course lunacy. To leave out Christianity is ignoring 2000 years of western history & culture. You may as well leave out greek philosophy & European myths as well. In other words you are dead wrong unless you come from some other part of the world & want to replace it with your own religion which seems to be an obvious trend in Canadian identity.

    The left is at war with everything Western. My message to them is I don’t want you or want you living next to me. That’s the stance we need to take, and the red line needs to be drawn on our side. This was the fundamental problem at its core with conservatism and the CPC, most importantly the power above the CPC is the same as the libs.

    The liberal party has already drawn its line, they are on there own side, there own team, the trick liberals pulled on us, is telling us we can’t do the same when in reality that is the only option.

    In discussing with many Teachers for example the thing I noticed in talking too them in private confidence is that they voted primarily liberal for themselves, meaning there job and the idea of voting of the better of the country wasn’t even a conscious thought.

    It’s time too take what’s left of Canadians & get out. The country is finished, or take option 2 and just loose everything. May as well start voting Communists & speed up the process.

  7. #87
    CGN Regular Gasanwu's Avatar
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    Good article for dividing the firearms community with the assumption that all firearms owners must be non-socialist, non-hippie, non-left wing, but also religious and loyal to the monarchy, conservatives, etc. The real world is never so black and white as evidenced by the many comments made. Even conservatives don't necessarily like religion or the Queen.

    Most voters are not a single issue voter like most of the firearms community. In fact most voters are not so set on 1 party but changes back and forth depending on election platform, charisma of the potential PM, certainly ideology, etc. Socialism isn't communism; Marx has nothing to do with modern social democracy that is Canada and many so-called "welfare states" in EU today.

    The hypothetical divide, if it were to happen, would result in a "wexit state" very much resemble pre-WWII fascist Germany where the only party acceptable would be the conservative party or it's conservatives vs. a more conservative party; and, anyone with any remote sense of injustice from the overwhelming wealth gaps between the super rich and the working poor would be cast out as leftist liberals, allowing the few elites to maintain a tight grip on the economy and power. The so called trickle down economics hasn't been trickling down much for decades now. One only needs to look at the wealth increase of the top 10% vs. the bottom 50%. People's pay/wealth, etc are not improving, whereas the the top 10% just keep on getting richer.

    I challenge anyone who agree with the divorce agreement to tell me which group should I go if there's a spit. I'm a member of the CAF, specifically the RCAF. I've been serving the country for the past 10 years and will continue to do so for the foreseeble future. On paper I'm loyal to the Queen, but privately I'm loyal to Canadians only. I was born to an immigrant family. I drive a hybrid vehicle for rushhour commute to work because the local pump price is sitting at $1.46/L, but also have a F150 because I use it to transport my 4x4 to my hunting spots. I enjoy landscape photography while sipping on my trendy latte (not pumpkin spice though). I think the pipeline should be built so that we will have a strong economy to be able to afford the cleaner energy solutions in the future; and I think implementation of clean energy should come as a gradual and phased approach.
    Last edited by Gasanwu; 02-10-2020 at 02:06 PM. Reason: spelling

  8. #88
    CGN Regular ZEN403's Avatar
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    Well done!!
    Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.

  9. #89
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer Ptigris762's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thunderhog View Post
    Agreed, loose the monarchy!
    This ^^^^^. the monarchy can be like the birds and flock off.

  10. #90
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stoner99 View Post
    That is a big part of why this country is disintegrating into degeneracy and of course lunacy. To leave out Christianity is ignoring 2000 years of western history & culture. You may as well leave out greek philosophy & European myths as well. In other words you are dead wrong unless you come from some other part of the world & want to replace it with your own religion which seems to be an obvious trend in Canadian identity.

    The left is at war with everything Western. My message to them is I don’t want you or want you living next to me. That’s the stance we need to take, and the red line needs to be drawn on our side. This was the fundamental problem at its core with conservatism and the CPC, most importantly the power above the CPC is the same as the libs.

    The liberal party has already drawn its line, they are on there own side, there own team, the trick liberals pulled on us, is telling us we can’t do the same when in reality that is the only option.

    In discussing with many Teachers for example the thing I noticed in talking too them in private confidence is that they voted primarily liberal for themselves, meaning there job and the idea of voting of the better of the country wasn’t even a conscious thought.

    It’s time too take what’s left of Canadians & get out. The country is finished, or take option 2 and just loose everything. May as well start voting Communists & speed up the process.

    Religion has no place in politics, and I want none in any country I'm part of.

    What you believe is yours alone, leave others out of your beliefs.
    I will ignore every person here that actively or passively supports the liberal party, support or are friends with Justin Turdhole, and any legislation aimed at increasing gun control. I will never purchase nor sell any items from/to those individuals.

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