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Thread: Divorce agreement

  1. #351
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    East chezzetcook nova scotia
    Quote Originally Posted by Backpack View Post
    Don't forget your pointy white hood and torch.

    save your breath backpack as arguing with these type of people on this website is absolutely a losing battle! irunguns does this type of thing every so often to share some of the crap and misery of racism that americans seem to enjoy with us canadians and they are fully supported in their views by this website. i attempted to hold my ground against a bunch or racist idiots on this site arguing on another irunguns racist post and i was the one who got crap from gunnuts for trying to defend myself against a hoard of rednecks who come out of the woodwork for these types of posts thinking its a racist free for all. gunnutz justified their actions by stating irunguns was a paying member on their site which basically means if your paying them you can cause whatever chaos on gunnutz you desire. i attempted to have gunnutz erase my profile permanently which they wouldnt do ( I guess they need subscriber numbers to attract revenue) but had no problem allowing others to spew hare on here which basically says they fully support this type of rhetoric as it happens frequently. You can't win trying to be reasonable decent human on this site trust me I have been there!!!

  2. #352
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    East chezzetcook nova scotia
    Quote Originally Posted by Backpack View Post
    Don't forget your pointy white hood and torch.

    save your breath backpack as arguing with these type of people on this website is absolutely a losing battle! irunguns does this type of thing every so often to share some of the crap and misery of racism that americans seem to enjoy with us canadians and they are fully supported in their views by this website. i attempted to hold my ground against a bunch or racist idiots on this site arguing on another irunguns racist post and i was the one who got crap from gunnuts for trying to defend myself against a hoard of rednecks who come out of the woodwork for these types of posts thinking its a racist free for all. gunnutz justified their actions by stating irunguns was a paying member on their site which basically means if your paying them you can cause whatever chaos on gunnutz you desire. i attempted to have gunnutz erase my profile permanently which they wouldnt do ( I guess they need subscriber numbers to attract revenue) but had no problem allowing others to spew obvious hate on here with no consequences which basically says they fully support this type of rhetoric as it happens frequently. You can't win trying to be reasonable decent human on this site trust me I have been there!!! Hopefully gunnutz will permantely delete my profile with this post as I love guns but I don't have anything in common with these type of people

  3. #353
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    East chezzetcook nova scotia
    Quote Originally Posted by Backpack View Post
    Don't forget your pointy white hood and torch.

    save your breath backpack as arguing with these type of people on this website is absolutely a losing battle! irunguns does this type of thing every so often to share some of the crap and misery of racism that americans seem to enjoy with us canadians and they are fully supported in their views by this website. i attempted to hold my ground against a bunch or racist idiots on this site arguing on another irunguns racist post and i was the one who got crap from gunnuts for trying to defend myself against a hoard of rednecks who come out of the woodwork for these types of posts thinking its a racist free for all. gunnutz justified their actions by stating irunguns was a paying member on their site which basically means if your paying them you can cause whatever chaos on gunnutz you desire. i attempted to have gunnutz erase my profile permanently which they wouldnt do ( I guess they need subscriber numbers to attract revenue) but had no problem allowing others to spew obvious hate on here with no consequences which basically says they fully support this type of rhetoric as it happens frequently. You can't win trying to be reasonable decent human on this site trust me I have been there!!! Hopefully gunnutz will permantely delete my profile with this post as I love guns but I don't have anything in common with these type of people

  4. #354
    CGN Regular Freedom shooter's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Liberal Free Ontario
    Please post this a few more times Aaron, 3 isn’t nearly enough. If you’re so offended why do you even come on CGN?
    CCFR, CSSA, NFA Member. When guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns.

  5. #355
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer Petrock's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    WX Berta
    Interesting to see the posts from pers with 15, 30, 50 or even 200 plus or minus total posts, are all communist and think they're the smartest people in the room.

    Remember always that the communists take power by removing the rights of the people and then through excessive force. In every communist country to date, they have always used the same methods. Make working people hate rich people. Forcefully take from the rich, keep most of it, give a bit away to the poor and scream victory! When the poor become addicted to the handouts, go after the middle class. Use every lever possible, idiology, firearms, personal property rights etc. When a foot hold is gained, cancel, erase and demonize every part of history that you can. Then when there is no one left but the poor and brainwashed, you do as you please.

    We're currently in the go after the middle class portion of the plan, if you hadn't noticed.

    Remember always, they aren't after your guns. They're after you, the guns are just in the way.
    Doesn't matter, anymore. We're only good for filling sandbags for floods and saving people during winter storms. Other-wise we're kicking posts and crazies who are over worked, over taxed, underpaid and never truly appreciated.

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