Tutorial: How to Post Pictures


how to embed a video


EXAMPLE The a-10 gatling gun test above....w w w.youtube.com/watch?v=sALiuWg_I1k&feature=player_embedded

Copy the letters after the = symbol and before the & symbol in the example above these would be sALiuWg_I1k

Type (youtube)sALiuWg_I1k(/youtube) but use the [ & ] symbols instead of the ( & ) symbols.

If I was to type it out properly using the [ & ] symbols only the video would show up here
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I got stuff on photobucket easily enough. How do you get stuff from photobucket to here? When this forum asks for URL of the image, is that the same as the IMG number?
wow super complicated
I belong to 2 other militaria forums where I simply click browse or insert photo this takes me to my pictures[stored on my computer] I click on the photo I want and it magically appears where I wanted it to be.
I am computer illiterate trust me.

My nephew (who unlike me) has been educated on computers seems to think so too.:(
The img info is the one to copy... its the bottom line on photobucket

Thanks, I'll give that a try once I've cooled down a bit (currently frustrated).:redface:

O.K., so it gives me the option of 1".post to website" or 2 "get link code or 3 "send to phone".

The "post to website seems" the best option as you can share on facebook,myspace, etc., but there (unfortunately) is no "Gun nutz " option.

It does tell you however, that you can post the code onto another website (great!), which I managed to do to test on another thread in the Newbie forum, but it still doesn't work. What gives?
I take it then that on this site you can't directly attatch photos without use of something like photobucket???

more or less correct, you cannot attach pics from your computer, but you can attach a pic by means of its url, by using the little pic of the yellow box with the mountain in it, like so

if you click on the quote button you will see the actual url of the picture below

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