A Step in the Right Direction -- Manitoba

Despite my very average english i should move to alberta or saskatchewan it would change mine

Contrary to what some of my friends from Quebec originally believed, the western provinces are very welcoming of Quebecois, and so far, 100% of the ones I know will not move back to Quebec. (I know 6 or 7)
I've sent the following email to the Premier of BC....will post once (if) I hear back.

Good day

As you are no doubt aware, on May 2, 2020 the Federal Government of Canada enacted an Order in Council declaring over 1500 makes and models of firearms owned by law abiding Canadians to be prohibited. The Prime Minister also declared that it was the intention of his government to enact legislation that would permit municipalities to enact their own firearms bans. Numerous studies have shown that the targeting of lawful firearms owners with oppressive legislation does nothing to impact gun crime in our country. The provincial governments of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba have all declared they are not supportive of legislation targeting law abiding firearms owners. Would you please be so kind as to tell me the position of your party on this issue?

Many thanks

If chinless Whoregun or one of his lackies reply please post it here. I suspect the answer will be lefty gibberish.
Well at least they had to go to the trouble of making a form letter, so more than one of us got through to them. All we can do is keep the pressure on. We still have a long way to go, but no protest will equal no responce.

Does anyone know if there is there a similar letter from Alberta?
I'm afraid that if the provinces push back, the damn feds will push harder with a blanket ban. That is how those ####s work.
I think Manitoba and Newfieland both tipped the scales towards the liberals in the last federal election. Very disappointing.
I was going to say you are wrong about Manitoba.
But I can not believe the number of rabies cases I have tried to reason with in the last 5 years.
Yes very disappointing !
Does anyone know if there is there a similar letter from Alberta?

I know Kenney came out and said the ban wouldn't solve anything and was just targeting legal gun owners. So that's something, I guess. I haven't seen any letters, and in fact getting an MLA to even write back is hard.

I think the letter from Manitoba is great, but why aren't see seeing anything like a "Notwithstanding" challenge from some of the provinces such that we can continue to buy, sell, and shoot these now-prohibited guns?
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