COVID-19 and Wolverine Supplies Response

Because the risk of being exposed to the virus at their storefront is so low it's practically inconsequential. Seems a lot more like bandwagon jumping to me.

With a total of 8 presumptive cases in all of Manitoba, a total population of a few thousand in Virden, the fact that grocery stores (which see many hundreds more customers) remain open, yeah I would say it's closer to hysteria than precaution you guys shutting down your storefront at this point in time. But hey, you guys do you.

So i get from that that you didnt sign the petition e-2341 and you didnt ask you friends to do it. Because hey just 1 guy wont make a difference...

well its exactly the same.
Hi. I will be placing an online order soon. Please to be sneezing in the box so I can build an immunity to whatever is going around.
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