Got Glock?

Any Glock 44 yet?

One Distributor out west had a very small number come into Canada already, but the Distributor we deal with has not received their shipment yet.
They have been shipped from what I understand, so they should be receiving them shortly (along with some other SKU's we are waiting for)
Even to BC?

I would have to find that out from Cathy in the morning. I know we received approvals from Alberta and Manitoba today.
All new transfers are initiated on line though The Canadian Firearms Program's Business Web Services, we dont actually lift the phone
to talk with the firearms office to start a transfer... we practice social distancing where we can lol
A little bird just told me there may be a price increase coming from Glock tomorrow due to the USD, although we have not been officially informed of it yet from our Distributor.
If your on the fence, now is the time to grab a Glock before they go up!
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