Private purchase question

Once he's initiated the transfer, they should give him a reference number for this transaction. You call them with this reference number and give them your info and Mirimichi will complete registration (ownership) transfer and hand it off to their provincial counterpart - and then you wait. You're in Ontario, so you'll be waiting a while. - and as was mentioned, when you call in to give them your info, ask them to have the province e-mail you - it'll shave a week off your wait time.
If I purchase a restricted off another member from a different province; whose CFO does it go through? Does it go through the seller’s provincial CFO, the buyer’s provincial CFO, or both?

Thank you.
Does the buyer have to call in, as well, or will the CFO make contact if they need anything? I've only bought restricted firearms from businesses before.

If it is a private sale the seller initiates the transfer and gets a reference number. They give that to the buyer and then they call the CFO and give them that reference number and all their info.
Make sure to get them to email the Transfer Notification to BOTH parties in the sale or you have to wait for the paper one in the mail.
Sorry for another question. I noticed on the application for ATT it asks about time that you’ll be using the ATT. So you have to be specific about times? I can’t just decide to go to the range at any point other than the options I put on there? Can you just put that you might go any day of the week between certain hours?
So once the transfer notice is complete doEs the buyer call for a authorization to go pick it up and transport to home?

Nope, don't need anything else. The transfer itself authorizes the conveyance of the restricted firearm from the place of purchase to the new registered address. No different than if it was bought from a commercial seller.

Sorry for another question. I noticed on the application for ATT it asks about time that you’ll be using the ATT. So you have to be specific about times? I can’t just decide to go to the range at any point other than the options I put on there? Can you just put that you might go any day of the week between certain hours?

Your RPAL should already have an ATT attached but if for whatever reason it doesn't, then yes, put down 24/7/365 since there are ranges that are open those hours.
Ohh right. The att is attached to the license now. This is my first restricted. I never really paid attention to this type of stuff until now. So I’ll just have to let the CFO know where my range membership is with I presume? That happens after my transfer is completed ?
Ohh right. The att is attached to the license now. This is my first restricted. I never really paid attention to this type of stuff until now. So I’ll just have to let the CFO know where my range membership is with I presume? That happens after my transfer is completed ?

Nope again, if you already have an RPAL and the transfer has been approved then you need nothing else. The range membership issue seems to only comes up at renewal time.
Once the seller provides you with a reference number, you call the CFP (they have an 800 number) and verify all of your information, including the name of range you belong to. This is forwarded to the CFO for rubber-stamping. Here in Alberta that's it for the most part. The CFO may (and has for me in the past) also ask for a fax/e-mail copy of your range membership. I hear in Ontario they verify directly with the range, but no personal experience there.

Here's hoping it goes fast for you! I just bought a restricted from a seller in Ontario, and the entire process was done in less than a week: Seller initiated transfer on a Tuesday, approved and shipped Friday the same week.
Fantastic. Thanks for clarifying. Makes much more sense now. My criminal check took a bit less than anticipated, I submitted t just as this all started. Hope the transfer goes as smoothly. Not that any range is open yet mind you
So i purchase a used gun from CGN EE. Now am i suppose to wait for the certificate to mail in or give them a call about it?

First, the transfer needs to be approved. Both the seller and the buyer will receive Transfer Notice when that happens. Certificate should come by regular mail within 14 days or so. Dont need to call anyone unless it gets lost in mail.

Get the certificate via email, it's wayyyyy faster.

No! Certificates never come by email. Other members have tried and failed. It will only come by regular mail.

Nope again, if you already have an RPAL and the transfer has been approved then you need nothing else. The range membership issue seems to only comes up at renewal time.

In case of a first restricted purchase, this post is not entirely correct. The first time buyer needs to call CFO and have an ATT issued with Special Conditions attached.
First, the transfer needs to be approved. Both the seller and the buyer will receive Transfer Notice when that happens. Certificate should come by regular mail within 14 days or so. Dont need to call anyone unless it gets lost in mail.

No! Certificates never come by email. Other members have tried and failed. It will only come by regular mail.

In case of a first restricted purchase, this post is not entirely correct. The first time buyer needs to call CFO and have an ATT issued with Special Conditions attached.

post #12
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