M203 Grenade Launcher Import

^ This. You guys do realize that Libs are handing out money for nearly free right now right? PM has said to not enforce fraud and keep the cash flowing? Sounds like vote-buying maybe? An election will be called before the next budget is released.

Used OIC to skirt legislative process.
Video'd a decade ago saying there will be no ban.
Secretly/implicitly enabled sudden and unannounced changes in the FRT.
Said shotguns are for good 'o fashioned hunters but banned a few anyway.
Prorogued Parliament till the fall.
Open adoration for socialist Jacina Arden.

Anyone who thinks there's going to be a buy back was probably born yesterday.

Add to your list $88 million taxpayer provided funding directly to the Liberals for their snap fall election...err, I mean 'covid information' wink wink...campaign. And no grandfathering. The Liberal's lefter than left supporters won't hear of it.

So no buy back, no grandfathering and you're an instant criminal losing everything if you don't hand over your guns. Not a lot of wiggle room, but a great idea because 80% of Canadians polled with leading questions say it's perfectly OK to treat their fellow citizens this way.
Lots of people applied for and received their CGD permit after already "illegally" owning an M203 (proof is posted in the "how to get your CGD permit" thread), so I don't think owning one is any reason for them to deny it.

So if owners of these launchers are in contravention of the controlled goods act and have to destroy them, deactivate them or turn them In then what about the importer and dealers that sold these and broke the law? They get to make thousand per launcher and then the buyers some of whom specifically asked about their legality before buying lose?
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