Active-shooter Rapid -responce Lessons to learn

Mr Wolverine

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Manitoba. Canada

Rapid response: The Nova Scotia active shooter incident

A highly mobile killer went on a 60-mile, 12-hour spree that ended with 18 killed, including an RCMP constable

Apr 20, 2020

What happened: At approximately 2230 hours on Saturday, April 18, police in Nova Scotia responded to a home in Portapique, where they found several casualties inside and outside of the home. After the violence in Portapique, the killer went mobile, shooting at seemingly random targets as he went on a 60-mile, 12-hour spree that terminated in a gas station parking lot in the city of Enfield, where he was shot by police in a gunfight.

An estimated 18 people were killed during the incident, including one Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) constable who was shot by the killer after she rammed his vehicle. Many more were wounded, including another RCMP constable (no details at press time).

While this incident only happened hours ago, and we only have access to preliminary information, there are already some important observations we can make about the active shooter incident in Nova Scotia, to include the following:

The killer in the Nova Scotia murders apparently went mobile right after the killings in Portapique. From the information available, he traveled 15 miles east to Debert in the early morning hours, then 10 miles east to Central Onslow, then another 40 miles south to Enfield, committing murders along the way.

We’ve seen this kind of activity before, in events like the August 2019 killings in Midland and Odessa, Texas. When killers go mobile, it is incredibly difficult for law enforcement to locate and stop them, particularly because valuable resources are drained away from the pursuit to deal with the confusion and carnage left behind in the wake of the killer. Every crime scene along the way saps manpower the police want to commit to pursuing the killer and stopping the violence.

In cases like this, the most important thing for the police to focus on is clear communications. The police need to warn nearby residents of the threat and process valuable information received from the public about the current location and activities of the killer. They also need to communicate and coordinate effectively with officers from nearby beats or jurisdictions, to effectively marshal their forces and intercept the killer.

The time to develop these capabilities is in advance of a crisis. Agencies should ensure they have a robust mutual aid plan, compatible radio systems that allow direct communications between individual officers of allied agencies (instead of having to route interagency communications through dispatch, which can introduce error and delay), and a comprehensive ability to transmit, receive and process information between themselves and the public. This latter capability includes a fully staffed and technically savvy social media function.

While some of these rapid mass murders [1] are spontaneous events that are carried out with little planning, a more troublesome subset of these crimes are executed by people who have planned them in advance and studied prior incidents to determine which tactics, equipment and techniques will improve their chances to achieve their deadly goals.

While some police officials may be quick to dismiss these killers as mere “copycats” when they borrow elements from prior attacks, we need to recognize them for what they are – serious students of “the craft” of rapid mass murder.

We’ve seen this kind of behavior many times before, most recently in the August 2019 Dayton, Ohio attack, in which the killer mimicked the behavior of the El Paso, Texas Walmart killer just hours before, by wearing ear protection. It’s possible that the El Paso killer was, in turn, influenced by the previous May 2019 attack in Virginia Beach, Virginia, in which the killer used a suppressor.

In the present Nova Scotia attacks, it appears the killer did his homework and incorporated several established tactics into his scheme. Besides taking his crimes on the road as a highly-mobile killer, the suspect in Nova Scotia seems to have created several diversions along the way, by setting fire to several homes and vehicles before moving on. This tactic is a common element in terrorist and active shooter attacks, and one we’ve seen before in events as diverse as the 1973 sniper attack in New Orleans, LA, and the November 2008 complex, coordinated attack (CCA) in Mumbai, India.

The Nova Scotia killer also appears to have disguised himself as a police officer, complete with uniform and marked patrol vehicle, during a portion of his crime spree. He reportedly used the camouflage to pull over at least one vehicle and kill the occupants, and later stole the real police vehicle belonging to the constable he had just executed. We’ve seen this highly problematic tactic used in many attacks before, including the infamous February 1929 St. Valentine’s Day Massacre and the July 2011 active shooter attack on Utoya Island, Norway, and it’s a tough one to counter.

Our enemy is learning from prior mistakes and successes and is getting smarter. We need to pay attention to this trend as law enforcement and ask if we’re doing the same. Are we actively studying past incidents to predict the tactics that will be used by future attackers? Are we changing our tactics, techniques and procedures to be ready for these predictable threats? Are we analyzing our failures to identify necessary changes in our tactics and methods?

If not, we need to get busy. Our enemy is doing his homework, and we need to do ours if we’re going to defeat him.

In a politically charged environment, where some law enforcement officials actively promote gun control as a “solution” to violent crime and believe that restricting the law-abiding public’s access to firearms will increase public safety, the Nova Scotia attack reminds us that gun control laws don’t stop murderers.

In a reaction to the 1989 killings of 14 people by an active shooter at Montreal’s Ecole Polytechnique college, Canada imposed comprehensive controls on the purchase, ownership and use of firearms. As part of this, Canada implemented mandatory licensing, registration and magazine capacity limits, established strict storage and transportation requirements, and established entirely new classes of restricted arms which could no longer be possessed by the citizenry, or could only be possessed within a strict regulatory framework that placed significant limits on how the arms could be stored, transported and used (including licensing requirements, and a requirement to obtain police authorization for transport).

The Firearms Act of 1995 didn’t deliver on the promise of improved safety, however. Canada continued to suffer mass killings like the March 2005 Mayerthorpe attack which killed four RCMP constables, the June 2014 Moncton attack which killed three RCMP constables and injured two, the October 2014 attack in Parliament Hill, Ottawa, which killed one soldier, injured a constable, and injured two citizens, or the December 2014 Edmonton shooting in which eight people were killed.

The Nova Scotia attack is the latest reminder that gun control doesn’t stop murder. The next generation of active shooter response demands more attention to site surveys and threat assessments, physical security measures, lockdown and barricade protocols, casualty care, public venue security and enhanced training that empowers the public to be their own first responders. There’s plenty of work to be done in these areas.

The Nova Scotia attack came at a challenging time for Canadian law enforcement, who were already stretched thin as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and response. In early reporting on this incident, Canadian authorities speculated that these increased demands may have initially hampered their response.

Presently, there is no indication that this is true, but the issue does serve as a powerful reminder that “normal” police activity never ceases, even in the middle of a crisis. Calls for service continue, and there’s nothing to prevent another crisis from rearing its head while you’re dealing with the first.

In a large-scale event like the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s easy to become focused on that single problem to the exclusion of others, but we have to remember that it’s essential to preserve capacity for dealing with other challenges when they arise. This is especially true when we consider events like terror attacks or mass shootings that could turn out to be just the first stage of a more complex, coordinated attack that will demand additional resources.

The Nova Scotia attack encourages us to consider how we respond to police emergencies. During a major event like the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s important to establish protocols that hold some of your force in reserve. Don’t flood a hot scene with every unit on patrol. Establish command and control early, to prevent an uncontrollable flood of self-directed responders. Disburse resources appropriately to provide the best coverage and eliminate problematic concentrations. Plan for reserve forces in advance of large events, and keep your mutual aid processes fresh and exercised.

Managing your limited resources is a vital part of policing, so make sure to preserve your ace in the hole, and be ready for what’s coming next.

We’ll certainly learn more about the details of this event in the days to come, and will be able to identify more lessons. In the meantime, we’ve already got plenty of actionable items to work on.

We salute the members of the RCMP and other agencies who bravely responded to this murderous assault, and express our great sadness at the loss of Constable Heidi Stevenson, who died trying to stop the killer. We will pray for her, her family and her fellow constables, as well as for the constable who was injured in this attack.

God bless you all and stay safe out there.


1. Retired police officer and trainer Ron Borsch advocates for the use of the term Rapid Mass Murder (RMM) rather than “active shooter,” where RMM is defined as four or more people being killed in less than 20 minutes in a public location. “Active shooter is NOT interchangeable with active killer. By itself, the active killer term denotes both a crime and includes murder by ANY means (even firearms),” writes Borsch. “Our protocol definition of an active killer is: “One who attempts or commits Rapid Mass Murder.”
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Very interesting read
My take away is in most events front line forces swarm an area and immediately become targets as well as tying up resources.
The shooter in NS clearly knew RCMP protocols and took full advantage so agencies need to get smarter.
To be honest my first thought once he was said to have been wearing an RCMP uniform was what happened during the battle of the bulge when SS troops were trained to speak and dress like US troops and used as diversionary troops to spread fear and confusion

“Their mission was part of the Operation Greif commanded by the famous Waffen-SS commando Otto Skorzeny during the Battle of the Bulge. The operation was the brainchild of Adolf Hitler, and its purpose was to capture one or more of the bridges over the Meuse river before they could be destroyed. German soldiers, wearing captured British and US Army uniforms and using captured Allied vehicles, were to cause confusion in the rear of the Allied lines”
Well captured in the Movie “The Battle of The Bulge”

These modern day shooters have time on their sides and plenty of material to study so its the responsibility of agencies and civilians alike to adapt.
That is an interesting read. I agree that terminology matters.

Active Shooter not same as Active Killer
Rapid Mass Murder vs Killing Spree
Interesting article, and while I agree with most of the premises, I can't fathom how a modern police agency could allow a situation like this to go unchecked for 12 hours. I imagine the police members on the street worked as hard as they could responding to the situation, I have no doubt about that. However, with current communications technology, aircraft and experience and training from an endless list of recent active shooters RCMP command should have coordinated this better. Tying up resources? I get it. Leave one guy at the scene to provide containment and free up the rest to deal with the priorities of life and stop the active shooter. I mean they spent hours trying to figure out how to word the alert message ?????? It still boggles my mind that the RCMP took 10 years to get carbines to their members after Mayerthorpe. Again, I am not critiquing the individual responding officers; they are heroes, just the command, control and communication of the response. How do rural folk, have faith that they are protected in any way when one man can reach so much havoc for so long with no intervention. I really try to not armchair quarterback these things, but this looks bad. I look forward to reading the operational review.
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how can the rcmp investigate failure at the top. the have already started to cover their behinds. nothing will be done., the libs will protect the brass as they have protected the libs. the public will continue to be sheep.
how can the rcmp investigate failure at the top. the have already started to cover their behinds. nothing will be done., the libs will protect the brass as they have protected the libs. the public will continue to be sheep.

After the Justin Bourque shooting spree in Moncton NB, there was a pretty thorough and scathing operational review.
Well I see still no real talk about actual legal self-defense. If I could carry I would every single day. And practice practice practice. but this is Canada...sigh. Still the case of only good guys with guns stop bad guys with guns. But Canadians are only allowed to be prey, not good guys with guns....just sayin...
While I think it's a bad idea to try and place blame, I think there are lessons to be learned, and I hope they are. The big one right now is why there was no emergency message broadcast on smartphones, televisions, and radios. That's a management/structural issue, and may have saved lives. Posting on twitter has very limited usefulness. I understand about 92,000 Nova Scotians followed them on twitter, which means less than 10%. I know they broadcast a statement on Covid a couple weeks ago, so the system works. The concept that the RCMP were still drafting a message 12 hours later indicates the was at the least a procedural problem. That needs to be fixed before God forbid it happens again anywhere in Canada
Interesting read for sure. Good to have recognized people openly stating that gun control doesn't work. Although the current regime doesn't want to except that reality, the more times people within the police community say it, it will become harder to ignore. Not impossible to ignore, but harder.
The only thing that is going to come from these killings is further abuse of lawful gun owners.

The RCMP will never be held responsible for their actions and neither will a government that continues to force citizens to be second class to criminals and deny the tools for self defence.
While I think it's a bad idea to try and place blame, I think there are lessons to be learned, and I hope they are. The big one right now is why there was no emergency message broadcast on smartphones, televisions, and radios. That's a management/structural issue, and may have saved lives. Posting on twitter has very limited usefulness. I understand about 92,000 Nova Scotians followed them on twitter, which means less than 10%. I know they broadcast a statement on Covid a couple weeks ago, so the system works. The concept that the RCMP were still drafting a message 12 hours later indicates the was at the least a procedural problem. That needs to be fixed before God forbid it happens again anywhere in Canada

Not procedural. A lack of respect for the citizens and a way too strong belief in their own power and authority.
Personally things at the "higher echelon" of the RCMP have to change. Canada's Federal police force should not be "behind the curve' when it comes to equipment and training. Never mind passing more laws, how about 3-4 high quality training facilities that can operate similar to Blackwater, rural officers should get some ERT skills and SOP's. Why aren't those frontline officers wearing there "plates" and carrying there carbines, why aren't there low profile helmets with comms? Why the RCMP brass doesn't want to bring th force into the 21st century is beyond me. There are plenty of resources out there. Passing more laws and blaming "smuggling" is a delusion.
We have one facility in Ontario: MILCUN

Exactly, maybe the "brass' should turn on the Sportsmans channel for a couple of days and see the level of ranges and training facilities in the US, maybe it's an 'eye opener" for them.
As a vet, the only way to respond with any effectiveness is to do "rehearsals" and we did lots in the Army, over and over again, and you know what, it WORKS! that's today's "take away" not a feeble PM who thinks passing laws will make the country a "safe space". Give me a fu*king break.
Exactly, maybe the "brass' should turn on the Sportsmans channel for a couple of days and see the level of ranges and training facilities in the US, maybe it's an 'eye opener" for them.
As a vet, the only way to respond with any effectiveness is to do "rehearsals" and we did lots in the Army, over and over again, and you know what, it WORKS! that's today's "take away" not a feeble PM who thinks passing laws will make the country a "safe space". Give me a fu*king break.

IMO, they are too stuck with romanticising the past instead of waking up to the reality of today.
IMO, they are too stuck with romanticising the past instead of waking up to the reality of today.

Probably to some extent, but what's wrong with the GOV and procurement? Why can't equipment be soured and training facilities built? Why does it take years and millions of dollars to select a duty pistol?
I remember when I was in the Army and they purchased the G-wagon, and alot us wondered? why just one submission? & I found out the answer, the Cdn Defense industry and the world knows that Canadian GOV is "cheap" so we end up with nothing or bargain basement, which turns out to be "gold" plated yrs later due to mismanagement. No one is interested in competing because there is no money in it.
I'm guessing that unfortunately most of the budget thses days goes to lawsuits?
Every organization has lazy or "dead wood employees, however I'm guessing that 99% of the members are like Cst. Steveson, who rammed the car. I hope to God she had here PPE (plates) and a carbine? or someone at the top should lose there job!
Well I see still no real talk about actual legal self-defense. If I could carry I would every single day. And practice practice practice. but this is Canada...sigh. Still the case of only good guys with guns stop bad guys with guns. But Canadians are only allowed to be prey, not good guys with guns....just sayin...
Every organization has lazy or "dead wood employees, however I'm guessing that 99% of the members are like Cst. Steveson, who rammed the car. I hope to God she had here PPE (plates) and a carbine? or someone at the top should lose there job!

I doubt she had plates, or a carbine. She was likely wearing her issued 2A vest and had her service pistol. Furthermore, why was she engaging in deliberate vehicle contact with an armed suspect as a one officer car. Where was her back up? Why not follow and radio updates until appropriate resources could respond. Again, a zillion questions. I imagine, there is some epic CYA going on at the RCMP right now. I do have faith that an operational review will reveal what worked and what did not, but it will take three years. I do not have faith that RCMP management will implement the recommendations in any meaningful way as it will cost money.
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