Posting In Our Forum

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Expried Business Member
Maple Ridge BC
Hello CGNers

Welcome to the Wanstalls sub forum.

Just a few things to keep in mind before clicking the post button.

1) Rude, derogatory or racist posts of any kind will be deleted and said user reported to admin.

2) If you are having an issue with an order or us as a company. Our direct contact is 1-888-967-4867 or You will receive faster and better service by reaching out to us directly instead of posting in this forum.

3) If you choose to ignore #2 and proceed with posting a complaint, we will defend our company and staff with all the tools we have at our disposal. There are 2 sides to every story and we will make sure both are heard.

4) Please follow the link provided to the terms and conditions of shopping with us. LINK TO TERMS. Are these rules set in stone? NO, but they will be if you are abusive or unreasonable to work with.

5) We do not debate on this form. We will answer any and all question the the best of our knowledge and let you know if we do not have the answer.

6) We reserve the right to edit and delete posts as we see fit. This is our sub forum and it is to be used to keep you up to date on what is going on in Wanstalls Land.

Matt M
Partner/ General Manager
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