Rising prices in these strange times

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Expried Business Member
Maple Ridge BC
Hello CGN!

We wanted to give a quick update as to what is going on.

We have recently been getting some hate mail to the point of threats over some recent price increases

We as a company have a 30-60 day turn model where we order what we need with the idea it will be sold within that time frame. That allows us to be able to place orders as we need and go after different and cool inventory quickly as suppose to wait for old product to sell.

Usually this is a great way to keep bills low and inventory constantly moving. Unfortunately when you are hit with a pandemic where it makes the Canadian Dollar tank faster than Oprah off weight watchers and barrels of oil are worth less than a used Mcdonalds wrapper it effects our model faster than a company who buys bulk and sits on inventory for months if not years at a time.

The economy that we are currently faced with raises manufacturing costs, which is passed to distribution, which is passed to us forcing us to raise our pricing on an already low margin industry where we can not eat a 10%+ increase in cost.

I personally would like to let CGN know we have not raised our prices in efforts to gouge anyone during these hard times. We are running the same margins we have and in some cases lower margins because even we cant stand to see some product at their new suggested retail.

What does this mean long term? Well hopefully the universe sorts it sh!t out and life gets back the where our dollar is worth more than it currently is and when that does happen (assuming distribution changes their pricing with a corrected dollar, as they have done in the past) You will see our prices correct as well.

We are all gun nutz at Wanstalls and the reason we all work here/own is our love of firearms and the community.

If anyone has any questions or concerns please email me directly at mattm@wanstallsonline.com, I am always happy to chat about all thing guns and the industry.

-Matt M
Partner/ General Manager
You guys are still one of my top preferred retailers. Completely understand the pricing situation, and I encourage other readers to understand the necessity of your pricing in this economic situation. Thanks Wanstalls, hope this clarification reaches a receptive audience.
Thanks for the update Matt,

I’ve dealt with you guys on a few occasions and I’ve always been very pleased with your service, pricing and transparency. You are one of my preferred dealers as well.

All the best.
We have recently been getting some hate mail to the point of threats over some recent price increases

I'm sorry you have to make posts like this - it's sad. How empty does someone's life have to be to send hate mail or threats over price increases? Gouging or not - don't like the price, don't buy the item.

It's nice when a pandemic brings out someone's true colours. Get your PAL they said, we're a safe and welcoming community. Unless we disagree with how you run your business. Then we'll threaten you.
You are a bit more optimistic than I am. Even if our dollar rallies, prices will remain high, and go even higher for several years. Our world, the world we knew, won't return. The new normal will be more expensive, and a bit more restrictive.

I hope I'm wrong, but when I see a # of Varget listing for $69.99, and it is out of stock, I get a bit concerned.

I don't understand the mentally of people that think it's their right to expect the lowest price regardless. If you don't like someones prices shop around. Or don't buy. It's that simple.
Right now guns and ammo are selling very fast, christmas selling volume ! I spoke to a distributor who told me because of the dollar all new shipments carry a +9% increase in prices because of our monopoly money so there you have it :(

Its never a good thing to buy in a pandemic I guess but Im guilty also lol!
It makes me sad that people cannot understand the exchange rate. The CDN lost between 7-9 cents on the dollar, depending on the day. Of course our prices will go up.

If they go down once the dollar improves that how it works. I do believe most shops will try to lower prices when their margins allow for it.
It makes me sad that people cannot understand the exchange rate. The CDN lost between 7-9 cents on the dollar, depending on the day. Of course our prices will go up.

If they go down once the dollar improves that how it works. I do believe most shops will try to lower prices when their margins allow for it.

I did an interview a few weeks ago and I had to explain in detail to a reporter for a reputable news paper about how a poor performing CAD dollar affects the prices of goods sold within Canada, it was like I showed them fire.

That is really where this thread was thought up... Some people just dont know.
Threats? What the hell is wrong with people.

If you look at a lot of the threads on this website, you can certainly pick out the kind of stupid that would do it. Mind boggling to me how some folks are in their own little world, and have access to guns to boot. Really hoping Wanstalls is doing the right thing and letting the horse police know of said threats. Those kind of idiots need to have their licenses revoked.
Appreciate the transparency! Do you guys do free shipping at $### amount by any chance?

] Really hoping Wanstalls is doing the right thing and letting the horse police know of said threats. Those kind of idiots need to have their licenses revoked.

I did an interview a few weeks ago and I had to explain in detail to a reporter for a reputable news paper about how a poor performing CAD dollar affects the prices of goods sold within Canada, it was like I showed them fire.

That is really where this thread was thought up... Some people just dont know.

Some people don't/can't read anything but what they are after. Be it they don't care, or just read slowly, they remain ignorant to certain realities in life. Most news networks don't cover it in the general news hour so they never hear about it.
I've spent a good chunk of money at Wanstalls over the years, including my first firearm, a couple more after that, ammo, mags & a safe. Always dealt with Craig & Matt, when I had a manufacturing issue with an item Matt replaced it and took the defective one back without knowing if they would see their warranty credit, he said mine wasn't the first and they had 5k in warranty limbo with said manufacturer. This is the kind of faith Wanstalls puts in its customers. Would be nice to see some customers do the same.
Dealers can set what ever price they like . If it's too high most will not buy .
Another dealer always comes along with with a lower price . It's always a buyers choice to buy or not to buy.
It's not like the oil companies that gouge customers every chance they get & you have no other option.
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