Firearms reform rumored release this week.

this is just a sample and proof of concept people. Please wake up. once they see how the system they are building works they will come after the rest. Say goodbye to the sks, tavor, type97, any semi auto will be banned like they did in NZ. You may get left with a .22 with a handful of rounds per mag. We need to start a campaign of information for gun owners to challenge this on an individual basis to flood the court system. Build legal funds to support court cases and open the eyes of the rest of the nation as to how big of a misuse of taxpayer funds this will be.

True, we need to stand united and build an appropriate response.
Oops, I missed one of freeland's statements. In speaking about the firearms being banned today," keep the most dangerous firearms out of civilian hands. We neither need nor want such weapons in our homes, in our pickups, in our communities, or on our streets. These guns make it easier to commit mass murder and the culture around their fetishization [sic] makes our country inherently more dangerous for the people most vulnerable and that is women and girls."

So basically the first four made a point to mention that firearms owners are by and large, lawful and respectful. Then freeland comes along, undoes that, and basically paints all firearms owners as a bunch of freaks with a fetish for firearms that "look like they can kill people". I just don't know what else to say.......

This is abhorrent.
I think 70% of gun related homicide victims are men, not women�� Not sure where Freeland is getting her stats.
Oops, I missed one of freeland's statements. In speaking about the firearms being banned today," keep the most dangerous firearms out of civilian hands. We neither need nor want such weapons in our homes, in our pickups, in our communities, or on our streets. These guns make it easier to commit mass murder and the culture around their fetishization [sic] makes our country inherently more dangerous for the people most vulnerable and that is women and girls."

So basically the first four made a point to mention that firearms owners are by and large, lawful and respectful. Then freeland comes along, undoes that, and basically paints all firearms owners as a bunch of freaks with a fetish for firearms that "look like they can kill people". I just don't know what else to say.......

This was the part that truly shocked me today...and nothing usually shocks me. She read that in some liberal sociology or womens studies paper and thought she could appear smart and at the same time insult me like no one ever has before.
Oops, I missed one of freeland's statements. In speaking about the firearms being banned today," keep the most dangerous firearms out of civilian hands. We neither need nor want such weapons in our homes, in our pickups, in our communities, or on our streets. These guns make it easier to commit mass murder and the culture around their fetishization [sic] makes our country inherently more dangerous for the people most vulnerable and that is women and girls."

So basically the first four made a point to mention that firearms owners are by and large, lawful and respectful. Then freeland comes along, undoes that, and basically paints all firearms owners as a bunch of freaks with a fetish for firearms that "look like they can kill people". I just don't know what else to say.......

She also said all firearms illegal, might have been a slip of the tongue or some foreshadowing
This is what CPC Candidate and member of Parliament,Derek Sloan, said today about the gun grab :

"Once again, Justin Trudeau is pouncing on an opportunity to push his ideological agenda in making major changes to firearms policy that won’t make Canadian safer, but will increase state invasiveness into the lives of law-abiding citizens.

Justin Trudeau is using a national tragedy to scapegoat law-abiding gun owners.

Team Trudeau has made it clear throughout this pandemic that they don’t respect the essential democratic role of Parliament.

Now they are using the current pandemic and the immediate emotion of the horrific attack in Nova Scotia to push through policy that won’t receive the scrutiny it deserves.

The RCMP has made it clear that the Nova Scotia shooter did not have a firearms license, so all of his guns were illegal.

Seizing firearms from Canadians who obey the law does nothing to stop dangerous criminals who obtain their guns illegally.

Money used in any buy-back effort would be better spent on support for police and anti-gang units, action against rural crime and policing our borders to stop the smuggling of the illegal weapons that are used in most gun crimes in Canada.

I believe that the ownership and use of firearms for protection is a civil right, and I will approach all firearms legislation guided by that principle.

I will conduct a complete review of the Firearms Act and related regulations to safeguard the right of firearms owners to their private property. Legislation that has not proven to be beneficial to public safety should be repealed.

Like any real Conservative, I’m committed to firearms legislation that ensures Canadians remain safe and secure in their homes and communities, not opportunistic gun grabs that concentrate more power in the hands of the state.

If you agree, please consider supporting me as I stand for Conservatism, without apology."

Let's vote him in, he is the one that gives out best vibes when it comes to protecting our values. He accepted to be publically interviewed by NFA and has a firm stand on firearms right in Canada.
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This is what CPC Candidate and member of Parliament,Derek Sloan, said today about the gun grab :

"Once again, Justin Trudeau is pouncing on an opportunity to push his ideological agenda in making major changes to firearms policy that won’t make Canadian safer, but will increase state invasiveness into the lives of law-abiding citizens.

Justin Trudeau is using a national tragedy to scapegoat law-abiding gun owners.

Team Trudeau has made it clear throughout this pandemic that they don’t respect the essential democratic role of Parliament.

Now they are using the current pandemic and the immediate emotion of the horrific attack in Nova Scotia to push through policy that won’t receive the scrutiny it deserves.

The RCMP has made it clear that the Nova Scotia shooter did not have a firearms license, so all of his guns were illegal.

Seizing firearms from Canadians who obey the law does nothing to stop dangerous criminals who obtain their guns illegally.

Money used in any buy-back effort would be better spent on support for police and anti-gang units, action against rural crime and policing our borders to stop the smuggling of the illegal weapons that are used in most gun crimes in Canada.

I believe that the ownership and use of firearms for protection is a civil right, and I will approach all firearms legislation guided by that principle.

I will conduct a complete review of the Firearms Act and related regulations to safeguard the right of firearms owners to their private property. Legislation that has not proven to be beneficial to public safety should be repealed.

Like any real Conservative, I’m committed to firearms legislation that ensures Canadians remain safe and secure in their homes and communities, not opportunistic gun grabs that concentrate more power in the hands of the state.

If you agree, please consider supporting me as I stand for Conservatism, without apology."

Let's vote him in, he is the one that gives out best vibes when it comes to protecting our values. He accepted to be publically interviewed by NFA and has a firm stand on firearms right in Canada.

He's got my vote!
In 2000 Trump Was a Democrat. Things can change real quick in the world of politics. So what Peter McKay thought 20 years ago means very little.
For those who think Peter MacKay would be better than Derek, read this article about MacKay's position on which firearms should be banned :

Agreed, MacKay is a power hungry sleasebag that will only give us lip service. Sloan means well, is very opinionated but not as polished as he should be. He’s a good shlt disturber but will never win a federal election as a leader. He’s my local MP and only showed up here in the last election after the electoral border was expanded to where he lives.

My vote is for Erin O’Toole without hesitation.
What say you? "The Canadian Firearms Program will be in touch will all license holders, and details on grandfathering and compensation will be announced once they have been decided.

Owners must then choose to be grandfathered in or surrender their firearms by the end of the amnesty period."
Agreed, MacKay is a power hungry sleasebag that will only give us lip service. Sloan means well, is very opinionated but not as polished as he should be. He’s a good shlt disturber but will never win a federal election as a leader. He’s my local MP and only showed up here in the last election after the electoral border was expanded to where he lives.

My vote is for Erin O’Toole without hesitation.

Yup! The lack of response from Mackay has made Lewis and O'Toole front runners for me.
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