Now for something lighter on 01 May 2020


CGN Ultra frequent flyer
Georgian Bay, ON
I need to lighten things up a bit around here. So much doom and gloom surrounding us during this Coronavirus 19 crap.

Just got this picture about my elevation of 40,000 ft and velocity of 0.76 Mach.... Seems I am famous among the Top Guns.... ha ha ha ha

He said: 450 knots or 833 kphour


Talk about flying high..... h ahaha haha

I just needed to laugh despite Fidel Junior the Turd Reich going on TV.... :evil:

Keep safe, keep strong. Keep supporting your team / Crew / family who have your back.

Adversity Into Advantage!! :wave:

Cheers, Barney


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I'm surprisingly optimistic on the long term here, even though the whole transport ban will keep me from enjoying my legally purchased property in the meantime. Cheers everyone
Agreed 100%. Turds mom banged Castro like a genuine whore.

Hope to see you on the range this year buddy...
Looks like a Wesjet NG...tail 257 ???

I’m not too sure, but this picture sure surprised the heck out of me.

Remember to keep supporting your team or crew or crib or family. Have their backs because they have yours. We are gonna get through all this hardship together.

In the meantime, keep your powder dry and dry fire in your basement. Stay active and do yoga for the coming season of PR / PRS / CRPS or ORPS.

Please stay safe and calm and focused.. Sight picture, Sight picture, Sight picture!

Cheers, Barney
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