CPC Leadership

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Optics around a woman leader will make a difference. I liked her stance wrt the OIC as well... I'll likely vote for her.
Normally O'Toole would get my vote and he would be the obvious candidate. Unfortunately he will fail to secure support in Ontario and Quebec, and also B.C. He will be labelled as "another old white dude" by the woke culture and soy-boys. If we want to win, we need Ontario. As shallow as it is, i feel our only way to win is with Lewis. She seems very capable, and the woke culture will vote for her.

Lewis has my vote. Sorry Erin.

Nah, what we need is Doug Ford to vacate his post as Premier and run for the CPC. Lewis is very openly anti-abortion, which does not fly in Canada.
Nah, what we need is Doug Ford to vacate his post as Premier and run for the CPC. Lewis is very openly anti-abortion, which does not fly in Canada.

We need someone that can be elected, that's the long and short of it. I agree on the abortion bit though, she needs to leave that out of things. One can be anti-abortion and leave it at that.
I asked Erin O'Toole via email and got a canned response from a campaign staff member that he stands with hunter and sports shooter, and that he will get tough on crime. No satisfied with it, I replied and asked directly in very simple English (tired of poetic political answers that say ####) if he intended to revert ban and fix gun laws. Within minutes I got a reply that they will get back to me with a proper answer.
Another vote for Lewis here. Definitely seems a step up from Mackay who's basically another John Tory. He'll throw gun owners under the bus faster than you can say "buyback".
While it may not seem like it or seem out of place, but "generation z" is actually more conservative then any generation since world war 2.Things are moving that direction ,now its not an overnight thing but its still moving. Hell Forbes even did a write up about it
May 14, Michele Rempel still have time to enter the race. I really see her go all the way, if she decline well Leslyn it will be.
While it may not seem like it or seem out of place, but "generation z" is actually more conservative then any generation since world war 2.Things are moving that direction ,now its not an overnight thing but its still moving. Hell Forbes even did a write up about it

If so they may save the western world from a new dark ages or a technocratic nightmare
Who has the best chance to get a majority? The conservatives need to leave their archaic ways in the past. Support the LGBTQ, dont bring up abortion and they need to buy into the climate bull#### even if its a face. We want ### married couples to be able to protect their marijuana plants with guns

Agreed what the hell is wrong with most of the members. Everyone's buggering everyone already you can't stop it. Also the Liberals get away with being the "green" party without doing ####, just do the same. The two parties literally both have the same climate goals, and both will fail to meet them.
Question is more " who does the national media like?".. because no matter who the membership elects.. the media( paid for by Liberals) will do their best to shred anyine they think is not up to " New post national Canadian Values"
Lewis all the way, she would be kryptonite for the giant Turd & I can imagine libs jumping ship because she would be such a progressive choice.
Also believe she's qualified - bonus!!
Faith based, anti-abortion, ### conversion bull#### is why the CPC lost the last election.

The abortion debate is over. No one under 60 will vote for someone who is openly anti abortion, and will allow that debate to be reopened.
You don't get to lock your kids up to pray away the ### Your religious rights end where anothers human rights begin.

The CPC needs to join the 21st century.
MacKay is a closer step in the right direction, and at least he will have a chance of getting elected.

We need to act fast, and be unified no matter who is chosen. Another election is closer than you think.
I’ve sent an email to Dr Lewis. She did say if elected she would reverse the OIC. Her resume is impressive and the fact she has a doctorate in Law is a bonus IMO. I do have a scheduled call with her tomorrow. I’ll update what she says to me. In a game of public image she can go toe to toe against Trudeau. Female, with roots from Jamaica and several degrees including one in Business & Environment. My choices are between her & Erin O’Toole.
Lewis all the way, she is a smart educated Lady with a strong Conservative mind and she is with us!
Libcoms grow quite a big set of bolls to do this OIC, it's time to castrate them :)
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