TSE to launch a court challenge against the OIC - FILED


The Shooting Edge - CGN Sponsor
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This war must be fought on many fronts!

The Shooting Edge along with Target Sports Canada and some “friends” have decided to initiate a legal challenge on the Trudeau government's sporting rifle gun ban.

We believe this sweeping ban was utterly undemocratic and we believe, downright criminal.

Even the CBC is starting to agree: https://www.cbc.ca/news/opinion/opinion-gun-control-politics-1.5556541

As a Veteran, firearms business owner, competition shooter and a believer in democracy, I have been put in a position where I cannot sit back and let things happen passively around me. It is time to gear up and fight!

Over the past 10 days I have had productive discussions with various firearms groups across the country including the CCFR and the CSSA as well as the Alberta Government. We believe we have come up with numerous strategies to launch specific challenges on cabinet's ability to pass sweeping firearms restrictions without legislative oversight.

Although we hope there are going to be other challenges mounted by other firearms interest groups across the country, we believe that a compelling case needs a compelling victim and no one has been hit harder than individual small business firearm retailers in this country.

Our challenge is NOT a Charter Section 7 Challenge, which is what the CCFR is launching. We are launching a criminal court legal challenge and expect to file in the next few weeks. We don't want to make any mistakes, so the research MUST be done first.

Again: This war must be fought on many fronts. At this time, we have no idea what will succeed but feel confident that our position(s) against this OIC are solid.

We have assembled a legal team which is second-to-none with depth and breadth of experience in criminal and constitutional law. Greg Dunn and Caitlin Taylor from the criminal defense firm of Dunn and Associate s https://www.dunnandassociates.ca/ as well as Brendan Miller from the long-standing Calgary litigation firm of Walsh LLP https://www.walshlaw.ca/will be leading our fight.

The Shooting Edge has already funded the retainer for our legal team and is willing to forge ahead regardless of financial support from our community; however any help will be gratefully and gladly accepted.
We are launching this campaign to raise funds to be used specifically for this challenge. We have asked our external Chartered Accountants to oversee this fundraising so that there will be 100% accountability and transparency in our fundraising efforts.

The GOFUNDME is here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/jumaq-fight-the-oic-in-court

Funds will be collected, held, and then only transferred directly to the legal beneficiary.

If at the end of this fight, regardless of the outcome, there are funds left over; we pledge to have the donated funds divided EQUALLY between the CCFR , CSSA and the NFA . (and the accounting firm will make sure that happens!)


JR Cox

The Shooting Edge (Calgary) and Target Sports Canada (Toronto)
LOL some dude did his donation as Bill Blair.... best thing I’ve seen all day.

The other ones, I refused to donate to, this one is different and I’m gonna trust this is actually followed through.

Good luck and God Speed!!!
LOL some dude did his donation as Bill Blair.... best thing I’ve seen all day.

The other ones, I refused to donate to, this one is different and I’m gonna trust this is actually followed through.

Good luck and God Speed!!!

Thanks for your faith... I wanted to set things up so there was 100% transparency, which took a little bit to set up. But I never want someone to even be able to hint that somehow we played loose with your donations.

You should change the goal to 250,000

We think our court case is about $50k... So that is what I want to aim for. If we collect more money, it simply means we potentially have more to give to the others after we're done.

Donated, not tons of disposable income at the moment but I sent 25$. Will give some more as time goes on. If everyone on here chipped in even 10 bucks it would take a huge dent out of it I bet

Seriously... There are sooooooo many of us, that a small donation from each would be a HUGE amount of money.

I thank you for what you can afford. Even the support and kind words go along way.

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