Finally some good News: Ranges opening next week in Ontario

Taking the temperature of this thread, I’m glad to see the majority aren’t cucked.

Not condoning any illegal activity. I simply asked a hypothetical.

Seems a good 25% are already willing to fold like a cheap suit, before ranges even open

So much for ‘civil disobedience’, eh

Remember the names of members here who advocate or openly echo their compliance for the new ‘rules’

They are not your ally, govern yourselves accordingly
Taking the temperature of this thread, I’m glad to see the majority aren’t cucked.

Not condoning any illegal activity. I simply asked a hypothetical.

Seems a good 25% are already willing to fold like a cheap suit, before ranges even open

So much for ‘civil disobedience’, eh

The freedom to swing your fist ends at the tip of another man's nose. Hopefully one day you realize that.
The freedom to swing your fist ends at the tip of another man's nose. Hopefully one day you realize that.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but where I’ve heard that expression before is in use by groups like the temperance movement, or other Pro-Prohibition groups

If so, your stance is duly noted
Correct me if I’m wrong, but where I’ve heard that expression before is in use by groups like the temperance movement, or other Pro-Prohibition groups

If so, your stance is duly noted

Correct in its usage, but misguided in its origins.

Freedom means freedom for everyone. A business has (at least should have) the right to run it as they see fit, if you don't agree with the way they run their business you have the right to not support them.
Sanctimonious drivel like that is exactly what got all our guns banned.

Im not swinging at anyone or violating their freedoms. I am however being swung at while our Prime minister of People Kind attempts to steal my property.

When you try to dictate how a business operates that's exactly what you're doing.
Correct in its usage, but misguided in its origins.

Freedom means freedom for everyone. A business has (at least should have) the right to run it as they see fit, if you don't agree with the way they run their business you have the right to not support them.

I, personally, did not say they should not be able to operate. They can do whatever they want, it’s (supposed to be) a free country

What I actually said is, if they choose to kowtow to the liberals, they don’t deserve the shooting community’s support. They can try and generate revenue from their new ‘free s#!+ army’ clientele
So if they are baned why do police get to keep them. In England they have a gun ban and the police are not allowed to carry firearms because of it. Good old liberals band for some not for all. They need to go

Absolute complete and utter shyte. The UK police can carry firearms but are not routinely armed. The gun ban has nothing to do with the Cops not being armed.
What I actually said is, if they choose to kowtow to the liberals, they don’t deserve the shooting community’s support. They can try and generate revenue from their new ‘free s#!+ army’ clientele

Are you really this unfamiliar with how ranges operate?
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