Finally some good News: Ranges opening next week in Ontario

Absolute complete and utter shyte. The UK police can carry firearms but are not routinely armed. The gun ban has nothing to do with the Cops not being armed.

Was just asking as far as I have read only tac cops can carry but street cops were not allowed due to thier ban. Thanks for clearing it up for me.
Question : since some clubs demand you book a slot say on the rifle range , How long do you get to shoot ? ( one hour ,,more ,,,,less ,,,??? )

See I drive one hour to my range and one hour back , it would make no scene to do this just to shoot for one hour . before I shot from 10 am ( opening ) to 2 pm ,, 4 hours / lots of different rifles , got my money's worth and there were also always open benches for more shooters while I was there , so no was disadvantaged by my shooting .

I guess the question to I pay a fair amount of money to the club for a very small of shooting time , time will tell.
Ontario government gave a green light to the indoor and outdoor ranges.
The dates for each range will vary, so check with your range for details about reopening procedures.

I didn't know they were closed there.. glad they are open for you all. I shoot daily on my land but do go to the range here for the social aspect.. lol
Seriously cant belive how cucked some gun owners have become.

Ill be shooting my legally owned guns as I please. I'll report back if the Equestria Bois get wind of this and arrest me.

**To the RCMP reading this post: I don't hate you but I hate what your organization has become; The enforcement wing of a Ultra Left-wing Autocracy. Do you serve the public or your political masters?**

Well said!! 100%
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