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Thread: WARNING!!!! Stings abound on the sale of newly prohibited firearms.

  1. #21
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer
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    Jun 2014
    The other day received a PM.

    "Is this item still available? If so, contact me at"

    Answered "Yes it is still available but you need a PAL to purchase it"..... Then crickets.

    Followed up "You don't like to communicate via PM here or you don't have a PAL?"

    Never heard anything again. Smells fishy to me.

  2. #22
    CGN Regular neoconfection's Avatar
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    Sorry to be that guy, but is there any evidence to back this up?

  3. #23
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer
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    Quote Originally Posted by 3apa3a View Post
    Not too much love here for the cops, eh? Mind you, probably very few people would give up their livelihood by refusing to do their duties, so don't expect cops to be on your side against the government.

    And what kind of idiot would try to buy or sell illegal firearms illegally over the internet anyway? For example this forum is probably monitored pretty closely by cops.
    It's not about liking or disliking cops. It is that some of us hold them to a higher standard and when the brass begins to walk and talk and cover up because they are "owned" and "corrupted" by the criminal party..... hard questions need to be asked and clear lines drawn.
    If the rank and file rcmp are going to allow themselves to be tools of the criminal party then they are just as corrupt and they all get painted with that brush.
    Other LEO agencies watching this all unfold should be absolutely up in arms as the countries national police force becomes the enforcement arm for a tyrant and his drunken side kick.

    good honest Canadians are being persecuted and vilified for no good reason and if the cops of this country are going to tow that line they can all wear the badge of dishonor.

  4. #24
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer easy's Avatar
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    How about posting a list of user names involved in these entrapments as they come up. Even remotely skeptical ones. Maybe start a sticky.
    I sure as hell won’t deal with anyone who joined even a year ago for a start. Even beyond that, I’ll do my due diligence. Not for a gun, not for a paper clip. They may be gathering info on who you are and where you live, not just looking for nefarious sales. Govern yourselves accordingly.

  5. #25
    Join Date
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    Just try to be informed on what you want to buy and sell so that you don’t get caught by this

  6. #26
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer easy's Avatar
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    Not a time to be greedy. If there’s a doubt, there’s no doubt. Support and buy from reputable dealers.

  7. #27
    Newbie realbigmike's Avatar
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    It is giving me a sick feeling to read this thread and see guys saying that they demand cops to post their badge and say they stand with legal gun owners. Dude, I am not a cop and I dont even want to stand with someone or even be near someone as irrational as that. I cannot wait to join a peaceful protest/ civil disobedience though! Don't turn against cops who do not make policy and do not make them feel sick about you, it is a lose-lose situation. Please think a bit before blowing off steam that way, it reflects poorly on all of us here.

    Cops are not the problem, it is the leaders at the top. All this BS we have to deal with now comes from the top. It seems like everything right wing is under attack, oil, guns, heck, all of western Canada even. The liberals want an unarmed welfare state, it seems that liberals do not care where things come from, what is earned, or even what is right. Spoiler alert, all these welfare cheques have to come from somewhere. Trudeau just keeps giving everything away because he has never worked for anything, there is always more to give away tomorrow.

    Please stop getting ugly and turning intelligent ppl away from our cause. The way the media has framed it, these thousands of guns are going to be used to kill millions of Canadians. We need to educate ppl not get gross and make them write us off the way you write of gross vegans. The same way you do not want to hear why they eat hemp, they do not want to hear why you demand to have scary looking guns. We need to find a leader and have some decency. Thank you to those who are organizing the lawsuits and I cannot wait to do a protest! It is time some good ppl who are employed and have a pronouncable gender do a protest. Of course these types of ppl will be ignored at 1st because they are just normal and peaceful ppl, but it will be a process.
    Last edited by realbigmike; 05-20-2020 at 02:47 AM.

  8. #28
    CGN Regular CravingGlory's Avatar
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    The stupid replies to my last post are what make us all look like maniacs to the people that are already condemning us because of the Lib's fear mongering. Calling all cops "pigs", demanding they end their careers, lose their benefits and pensions to appease your odd sense of right and wrong is just stupid and I will debate the subject more with you. The same goes for the bull####ters full of hard talk and psychos saying they want everyone to arm themselves and take a stand against LE should they come and try to confiscate your prohib firearms. You will be amongst a very small group of future convicts and dead people, while hurting the rest of us who possess more common sense in our approach to fight this nonsense legally, as we love our families, careers, freedom and lives more than any objects that we possess.

    I really hope the media doesn't troll these threads and start gathering up all of the comments that reflect violent, criminal intent and disdain for law and order when spun the way they are so good at. They will let the words of the few speak for us all in their display of why Trudeau was correct to take away the "guns and military rifles" from "those maniacs capable of mass destruction".

    I know some are speaking out of anger and the hate of feeling helpless, but the ones talking stupid about doing something stupid, or saying stupid things that make us all look bad are the as bad as the people that just shrug and say "oh well, nothing I can do. Where do I turn my stuff in and collect my money?" while condemning the rest of us for doing all we can to fight the OIC ban. You divide us during this time when we need collective numbers and will be the reason Trudeau gets away with his dictatorship actions. I'll bite my tongue on saying anything more while being this pissed off and disappointed with replies that I never thought I'd see from people on this site ��
    Planning on living forever. So far, so good!

  9. #29
    Join Date
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    way ahead of you
    Great post!

    Quote Originally Posted by CravingGlory View Post
    The stupid replies to my last post are what make us all look like maniacs to the people that are already condemning us because of the Lib's fear mongering. Calling all cops "pigs", demanding they end their careers, lose their benefits and pensions to appease your odd sense of right and wrong is just stupid and I will debate the subject more with you. The same goes for the bull####ters full of hard talk and psychos saying they want everyone to arm themselves and take a stand against LE should they come and try to confiscate your prohib firearms. You will be amongst a very small group of future convicts and dead people, while hurting the rest of us who possess more common sense in our approach to fight this nonsense legally, as we love our families, careers, freedom and lives more than any objects that we possess.

    I really hope the media doesn't troll these threads and start gathering up all of the comments that reflect violent, criminal intent and disdain for law and order when spun the way they are so good at. They will let the words of the few speak for us all in their display of why Trudeau was correct to take away the "guns and military rifles" from "those maniacs capable of mass destruction".

    I know some are speaking out of anger and the hate of feeling helpless, but the ones talking stupid about doing something stupid, or saying stupid things that make us all look bad are the as bad as the people that just shrug and say "oh well, nothing I can do. Where do I turn my stuff in and collect my money?" while condemning the rest of us for doing all we can to fight the OIC ban. You divide us during this time when we need collective numbers and will be the reason Trudeau gets away with his dictatorship actions. I'll bite my tongue on saying anything more while being this pissed off and disappointed with replies that I never thought I'd see from people on this site ��

    Good vid to redirect the conversation of the thread, maybe

  10. #30
    Join Date
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    way ahead of you
    IMo, it's great to see guys getting mad (about F'ing time!!), it means they're finally starting to feel the pinch and paying attention to what's happening around them.

    Just like what Peterson is saying though, is that they will keep pushing until guys start to react...then they will pause until everyone calms down....then they will push again, and again and again and again. Every time they repeat this cycle, they manage to push us further back, and each time we expect to reach the point of pushback, but we never do.

    Imo, this reactionary type of response is what's got us here today, and it's counterproductive to our goal.

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