Hey Phil

Any idea when your website is gonna be setup for online purchases?

The web designers say very soon. We were assured from the beginning that our live inventory list and the web site would have no problem communicating with each other. So far that is not working as we hoped. We are trying to have the site working 100 % when we launch so that it what is slowing us down. Most of our inventory and related links have been loaded. Phil.
The web designers say very soon. We were assured from the beginning that our live inventory list and the web site would have no problem communicating with each other. So far that is not working as we hoped. We are trying to have the site working 100 % when we launch so that it what is slowing us down. Most of our inventory and related links have been loaded. Phil.

Cool thanks.
The web designers say very soon. We were assured from the beginning that our live inventory list and the web site would have no problem communicating with each other. So far that is not working as we hoped. We are trying to have the site working 100 % when we launch so that it what is slowing us down. Most of our inventory and related links have been loaded. Phil.

Still waiting lol
Trust me this web site and related problems has been a serious issue in our business. I am not directly involved but I am beyond frustrated at the slow pace of completion. I can't give anyone an ETA for our web site at this time. Phil.

all good Phil. I shop alot online and i only want to buy in Alberta if possible. So ill be glad when you get the bugs out. I know it must be hard being in the firearms business when things are normal, let alone with all this coivid ####. Take care brother.
The web site is essentially built however the interface with the point of sale system still has bugs and we are waiting for the web builder to find a solution. Phil.
Any Updates? Im assuming it didnt work out at this point.

To say I am disappointed with the web site development would be an understatement. The initial web site had several issues mostly with the point of sale integrating with the web site. Then the actual internal support between them was an issue depending on method of payment especially with our credit card provider. We have attempted several test launches and new problems continued to arise. I have been promised again that we are on the edge of actual launch with a proper shopping cart but still no luck. I have now stopped daily attendance in the store but do come in once or twice a week. Phil.
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