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Thread: Be warned

  1. #101
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer Deckard's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Chumperistani Gulag
    You have to wonder what sketch knows you have guns and where.
    Listen, and understand. That Liberal is out there. It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse- only fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until your guns are gone.

  2. #102
    CGN Regular Boltcarrier's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2020
    here's a heads up on the mistakes i have made.

    so i subscribed to Adobe for use of one of the programmes, i think it was for modifying text on PDF or something, it says I got to use it for a month free. So I used it once and didnt like it and left it as is. three months later if found that Adobe charged me a monthly fee after the first month, so it's apparent that you have to cancel after one month otherwise they will just charge you without telling you. they made you use your credit card in order to use the software free for a month.

    second was with Office 365, I changed my credit card and I forgot to change it with my subscription, and they suspended my connection. so I called Office 365 to reconnect and the Indian girl (apparently from India so I don't blame her for the miscommunication ) on the other line said i had to pay annual and cannot continue with monthly like it was before. So I paid the annual fee instead of having the monthly subscription. three months later, (i check my statements every 3 months or so) I noticed that I was charged for the annual as well as a monthly charge that was like before the suspension. and it was hell trying to contact them and get it corrected.

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