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Thread: This has to stop... new prohibitions as of June 16th

  1. #71
    CGN Regular Hypox!a's Avatar
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    Langley, B.C.
    I’ll be spending what I can for the remainder of this year to buy up a few pistols that I would still like.

    None of them will turned in for central storage. I’ll bury any of the firearms I own that end up getting prohibited, drill through my cabinet lock and call in a B&E on my self before I let these criminals take anything else away.
    Tiocfaidh Ár Lá - Éirinn Go Brách

  2. #72
    Join Date
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    British Columbia
    Quote Originally Posted by albertaman238 View Post
    Can someone in the know please post the entire list of prohibs at the end of the month (as the rumor mill is stating more coming before the end of the month).
    Where have you been hearing more coming at the end of the month ?

  3. #73
    CGN frequent flyer Shooter1971's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JustBen View Post
    Eff that. I'm canoeing with my buddy Mike.
    Mike down from Canmore? Havent seen him since he bought my BCL 102

  4. #74
    CGN Regular
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    Dont know why any of you care, the rcmp website itself states that the FRT is not law, its even highlighted. If your gun wasnt on the OIC list, fire away. Yes its annoying that cops may arrest you, but thats been the case for law abiding gun owners for decades, its no more dangerous to shoot on crown land now than it ever has been.

  5. #75
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer
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    Quote Originally Posted by apexanimal View Post
    Dont know why any of you care, the rcmp website itself states that the FRT is not law, its even highlighted. If your gun wasnt on the OIC list, fire away. Yes its annoying that cops may arrest you, but thats been the case for law abiding gun owners for decades, its no more dangerous to shoot on crown land now than it ever has been.
    Guilty until proven innocent.

    "What do you get for pretending the danger's not real?"
    - Sheep, Pink Floyd

  6. #76
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer
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    Quote Originally Posted by slarsen47 View Post
    Your elected Member of Parliament for the most part does what they are commanded to do by the party leaders.

    Nothing is going to change until your elected member is more afraid of the electorate than the party leader.

    These politicians are inherently dishonest and are only be swayed by fear.

    Fear of not being re-elected. That is job one!

    Hold their "feet to the fire".
    The leader of the party nor the party leaders will ever fear the electorate. Ever. As long as people keep voting like it matters, Both the CPC and the Liberals are winning.

    Only when people take to the streets and start burning things down will they take notice. Look how fast the anti-cultural-appropriation democrats lost their minds and donned faux african cultural garb in a desperate attempt to virtue signal the affections of BLM. And the republicans are not far behind, also desperate to bend the knee to the terrorist organization.

    For all the talk of being law abiding, being kind, being Canadian, or straight up fear of police snipers on the roof, this wholesale scapegoating of gun owners and using us as a political whipping post by both political parties will continue until gun owners take to the streets and say enough is enough. The law suits may get the OICs over turned. They may get ALL the guns prohibitied by OIC to be set free. But we will still have licensing. We will still have the prohibited class of firearm. We will still have an almost total ban on the ability to carry for the protection of life. And we will still have a justice system that thinks the presumption of innocence does not apply to firearms owners.

    Every successful civil rights movement in the history of Canada has ONLY gained significant advancement of their cause when they took to the streets.

    Quote Originally Posted by drill702 View Post
    Vendors should take a stand and keep selling them anyway
    I don't think you appreciate how much skin vendors have in the game.

    Most of the vendors probably believe passionately enough to risk their own lives, their own freedom, their own money, and their own families, if they felt it would make a difference, and if they felt gun owners would support them, rather than get the Bruce Montague treatment. I don't think any vendor would be willing to force those same risks on their employees, and their employees families.

    The potential profits of selling a few verbotten items, and the pride that other gun owners may have for them in being willing to do so might seem worth it, but compare that to the millions of dollars in inventory that they would forfeit if they lost their business license. Considering how they are 100 times more exposed to criminal sanction than you or me really makes it not worth it.

    At the end of the day, asking someone else to break the law for you is pointless. If you just want one, go find one. I am sure there are some people who have them that are going to get cold feet. If you think the vendors taking a stand will somehow help reverse the OIC, think again. Maybe if you get caught trying to buy one outside of the amnesty you can be the martyr and try defending those charges all the way to the supreme court of Canada. After all you wouldn't ask vendors to take a stand that you yourself weren't willing to take, right?
    Government is a broker in pillage, and every election is sort of an advance auction sale of stolen goods. HL Mencken. 1919.

  7. #77
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer Midnight Rider's Avatar
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    ......the Vanishing Point .
    Quote Originally Posted by Tvw View Post
    NOT one member should suggest what you buy next.

    THIS FORUM/SITE NEEDS TO BE LOCKED TO THE PUBLIC. Screen new members/ IP Check, I don't even know where to start such a process.

    We are simply feeding endles idea's to "them" with these forum.

    What gun to buy now that I can't get this... oh what takes these magazines now.. i have way too much of this... STOP. Fight the battle dont feed it.

    Certain topics need to be addressed in areas that not any single person on the net can access. ***EXAMPLE THE DEALER NEWS.***
    Very true . Anti gun groups like POLY know absolutely nothing about firearms ; and depend almost 100% on firearm sites to provide them with information . The Typhoon 12 was prohibited after a shooting ; and then firearm owners started discussing that the Derya was the same style of firearm , and sales started to surge for the Derya . Poly seen it being discussed ; and specifically requested in writing to Bill Blair that the Derya be prohibited as well , and poof , now the Derya is prohibited as well . As people continue to discuss various types of firearms , the information will be sent to Bill Blair , and the gun in question will be added to the prohib list .
    " SUPER BIKES RULE.....! " " Speed Costs....How Much Do You Want To Spend ! "

  8. #78
    Join Date
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    Man that happen when they ban F12s for me ✊

  9. #79
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer Midnight Rider's Avatar
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    ......the Vanishing Point .
    Yep , death by a prohibition . Guns keep getting added to the prohib list until there are no guns left . All part of the Liberal agenda of a totally gun free Canada . As Alan Rock said " only the police and military should have guns in Canada " .
    " SUPER BIKES RULE.....! " " Speed Costs....How Much Do You Want To Spend ! "

  10. #80
    Uber Super GunNutz
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    Quote Originally Posted by tinman304 View Post
    It's always darkest before the dawn.
    This is true.
    "He who dares not offend, cannot be honest."
    - Thomas Paine

    "Oppression maketh a wise man mad"

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