King of the Canadian Boogaloo....

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This is my first time posting. I've signed up just so I can comment on this thread.

I'm a journalist. And I'm all about Peace, Love and Understanding. And, my wife is a person of colour. But hey, before you get your sorry-ass hate going: I also love my firearms. So for the love of gawd, stop this Boogaloo #### on a public forum.

Just to be a clear: I only read CGN for the firearms reviews and product comments. I find many of those posting on here to be juvenile wanna-be's. As somebody who's actually been shot-at a few dozen times (and mortared, and rocketed, and car-bombed etc etc) I can tell you it's no fun. A big man might cry for his momma when it happens. But for all that, I could care less how you spend the fleeting hours of your life. I HATE racists, anti-semites, nazi-pretenders, etc etc.... but do your thing. You're going down the toilet bowl of history.

What I can't sit by for is watching some idiot ruin my enjoyment of firearms because he (and it's always a 'he') can't keep his stupid fingers from typing garbage online. At the very least, THE VERY LEAST - you caveman loser - take your tinfoil hat absurdities and go to a private site. At the moment, everybody who fears "machine guns in the hands of nazis!" can read this forum and take great pleasure in having their worst prejudices confirmed.

So shut up. Shut.Up.


I think this thread has run it's course... I'll leave this last picture here which is a screenshot from Wikipedia. Not every use of the word BOOGALOO is derogatory, but we don't need to add fuel to the fire of libtardness.

Stay safe out there.



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