King of the Canadian Boogaloo....

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Lmfao off so a meme is now a hate group? Who the #### writes this ####. Whata next i cant use the name karen without a building full of karens investigating me for saying it?
It's pretty obvious that CBC is trying to paint anyone that opposes the OIC ban as a fringe group of racist domestic terrorists that is rapidly expanding and coming after you and everything you hold as Canadian.
fake news BS. Who cares about the CBC anyways (A&W oldies aside lol)
Whether the book is just a satirical internet meme or an actual thought and discussion on revolt in real life; its still freedom of speech. Hate Crime=Thought Crime in the eyes of the overlord.
Make no mistake, the "b o o g a l o o" concept is a world government construct that was designed to be able to label right-wing gun owners as domestic terrosists, aka a psyop (look up what a psyop is if you don't already know). "boogaloo" is ABSOLUTELY NOT a gun owner's construct. AT ALL. The b o o g a l o o meme thing was absolutely NOT started by gun owners. Look at the origin of the term yourself.

The BLM and ANTIFA riots were designed to create an apparent threat to "democracy" and "security" in the mind of the public, label them into terrorist category (Trump did do it) and by the same token sweep in "b o o g b o i s" into this terrorist category while people are too busy to notice. They're doing it right now. Look it up.

This is a psyop to put into the mind of the average braindead joe that gun owners are terrorists that should be dealt with, to legitimize a future militarized hit on gun owners from the eye of the public.

This is an extremely nefarious and dangerous situation that is unfolding.

You should make every effort to distance yourself from the "b o o g" movement, and what the government is labelling as "b o o g a l o o". It was created by them to be used against you. Do not take any "b o o g" labelling lightly.

By doing so you would be working FOR them, AGAINST yourself.

Wake up.
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You'd think the crack team at the CBC might be able to tell the difference between actual domestic terrorism and bored LARPers ####posting on the internet...
Who controls information controls the public. The public takes whatever their TV tells them as the holy truth. They (the controlled CBC) are labelling supposed "b o o g b o i s", aka gun owners, as domestic terrorists to legitimize in the eye of the public a militarized action against gun owners.
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Back to the OP CBC news report.

It is an item one would expect to see coming out of the Weimar Republic.

The government owned broadcasting corporation knows exactly what it is doing, and I can see they are unable to fool the above CGN posters.

NBC had an item similar to this.
F'in HATE that crowd.

"I went to university and I listen to CBC everyday so I know exactly what's going on". I have one of those a couple doors down the road. The ignorance and arrogance is hard to stomach.

It's going to be interesting watching them get their asses handed to them when they crash the economy harder and take away even more civil liberties.

what's sad is the millions that still buy the cbc manure. Go to a local A&W and you'll hear the oldies talk about it, if its on cbc than its true for them.
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