Factory screw stuck

I recommend having the sight base screws enlarged to 8-40 for most Remingtons. The sight base screws are usually so far out of line that you will need to use a significant amount of your scopes windage adjustment to sight it in. Enlarging to 8-40 using a proper jig and press will centre the screw holes with the bore properly. Something that Remington is very poor at doing lately...
Cool it...get a can of compressed "pain ease" from a pharmacy. Spray on screw head for 30 plus seconds.
It will be very...very cold lol.
Then attempt to tighten screw to break seal.
Then ...god willing ...back it out.
Could try grinding an impact driver bit to a snug fit, then heating around the threads in the receiver, a gentle tap on the screw driver type impact should free it up.
As mentioned earlier in the thread, the correctly sized screwdriver tip is critical in removing slotted screws, or any screws for that matter. I've had success on 100+ year old front sight set screws, that were also soldered. Give Kroil a try also. That stuff works great!
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