Why? MSRP for a G36 is under $2000 CAD. What dealers choose to ask is their choice.

heh, yeah it's like all the mouth breathing mongoloids selling stuff for 5x the actual price because "HURR BUMPING UP THE BUYBACK PRICE DURR!"

almost as amusing as the people losing their minds and telling people not to say certain things online because "you'll give the gun grabbers ideas"
I own and use firearms for enjoyment...I do not enjoy being attached to something that can be taken away from me on a whim...I am also pragmatic...I did a bit of research and discovered that no OIC, here or in Great Britain, has ever been overturned including several that defy, I sold it off and used the funds to buy a lovely bolt least it’ll be a while before they come after that...good luck with the fight

Smells like surrender. Took you all of 4 days to willingly conform to Billy "Bully" Bliar's wishes. And you apparently believe that this somehow makes you clever....
nah, straight up scumbaggery and price gouging because it isn't on the ban list yet.

Love how everyone here is trying to call out the dealers for price gouging and “scumbaggery” the unfortunate truth is most individuals are scumbags like this and the pandemic proved that. How many losers stock piled supplies and tried to sell it off at a insane price. Before you try and judge a dealer take a very good look in the mirror and truly ask yourself if you wouldn’t do the same thing? Good example look at the EE. Everyone just loves to $hit on other people to try and make them self feel morally superior.

Those are the facts, don’t like it go cry about it.
I own and use firearms for enjoyment...I do not enjoy being attached to something that can be taken away from me on a whim...I am also pragmatic...I did a bit of research and discovered that no OIC, here or in Great Britain, has ever been overturned including several that defy, I sold it off and used the funds to buy a lovely bolt least it’ll be a while before they come after that...good luck with the fight

Clearly you need to do more thorough research. SCC overturned an OIC:
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Poly sent a letter asking Blair why the WK180-C, the Tavor X95 and a few other rifles were not included in the list.

Blair responded by telling them that those rifles have limited quantities in Canada and as a result, they do not need to be regulated.

The G36 should be safe, at least from this OIC. It will still probably be banned when they push real legislation through parliament to ban all semi-autos, including handguns. This OIC is just a test for something much, much, worse.
Dreadedsßt said:
...good luck with the fight

In other words, "not my problem". You are a prime example of everything wrong and lacking within the firearms community. You just don't get it - that the "black rifle" ban is just the tip of the iceberg, the canary in the coal mine. Emboldened by success (if they win), how long do you think it will be before Poly and their gun-grabbing ilk come after YOUR particular style of firearm?

You are a pathetic sheep acting like an ostritch.
In other words, "not my problem". You are a prime example of everything wrong and lacking within the firearms community. You just don't get it - that the "black rifle" ban is just the tip of the iceberg, the canary in the coal mine. Emboldened by success (if they win), how long do you think it will be before Poly and their gun-grabbing ilk come after YOUR particular style of firearm?

You are a pathetic sheep acting like an ostritch.

Very well said....thanks...what a bunch of short sighted people !
Nothing wrong with the price, years ago they would seldom pop on the EE at similar prices. Even the SL8 conversions were Uber expensive.
Offer and demand.
If they don’t sell at those prices I’m sure they’ll be discounted but I wouldn’t think so, there are only limited quantity of decent non bulpups gas guns with pistol grips left so ...
Yeah... I’m ok with what I see in the mirror. When I look out the window though I see a lot of scumbaggers making the claim that EVERYONE is a scumbagger, they aren’t. I’ll avoid doing business with them too.
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