An inspiring message re: legal challenges

ATRS Shaun

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Calgary, AB
I'm speechless... This is an email we just received.

Dear Alberta Tactical Rifle Supply.

This past weekend a very close friend said to me "K, what are you prepared to do about the Liberals confiscation of our Freedoms and our Rights?
To this I told him the organizations, the clubs that I belonged too. The petitions I had signed.
His response was, "If we lose in the end, what then would you have been prepared to do? And as I pondered his statement I knew I had not done enough for the community to which I am apart.
A community of law abiding firearms owners, good people who the current Liberal Government has belittled and betrayed.
So to this end I vow to do more.

I therefore authorize those funds of $1200.00 ... to pay for any and all Legal Expenses incurred in fighting this Injustice.
I would rather lose this gun to this cause and be triumphant, than lose this gun and that gun to the slow erosion of our Freedoms and our Rights.


May Good People of Courage find Strength to Weather any Storm.

Truly, every dollar helps. Let's keep this fight going!

Alberta Tactical Rifle Supply GoFundMe

CCFR Donation Page for Legal Challenge
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This community is amazing. Strength in numbers.
I think instead of buying another upper I just need to donate the money as well and be happy with what I have.. I’ll split it between the causes, like he says losing out on one gun now is better than every gun later !

Keep this up top and spread it to everyone you know.
Unfortunate by product of this is, my spending on firearms is down. I'm choosing to donate every payday to the legal causes instead. This however is not helping the business who are in the industry pay their bills/employees. The best thing we can do is keep donating, keep spending money at our firearm dealers/suppliers. Every dollar counts.
I'm speechless... This is an email we just received.

Truly, every dollar helps. Let's keep this fight going!

Alberta Tactical Rifle Supply GoFundMe

CCFR Donation Page for Legal Challenge

So having read your go fund me explainer, it looks like your intent is to rile a separate legal action from the CCFR.

Can you provide an update on where that sits? Have you retained counsel and filed with the court yet? I don't see you guys on the legal action tracker. Did I miss it?
So having read your go fund me explainer, it looks like your intent is to rile a separate legal action from the CCFR.

Can you provide an update on where that sits? Have you retained counsel and filed with the court yet? I don't see you guys on the legal action tracker. Did I miss it?

I'm not up to speed on all of the fine details, but the two that we are named in are the Ed Burlew/John Hipwell lawsuit as well as the CCFR lawsuit, which was expanded to include going after the SFSS for the changes that over stepped their authority, which addressed a lot of what we were aiming to address with a 3rd action, however we've been advised to keep the information we post on forums and social media very limited.

Hopefully Rick can chime in here and add to this statement with what info he is able to.
I'm not up to speed on all of the fine details, but the two that we are named in are the Ed Burlew/John Hipwell lawsuit as well as the CCFR lawsuit, which was expanded to include going after the SFSS for the changes that over stepped their authority, which addressed a lot of what we were aiming to address with a 3rd action, however we've been advised to keep the information we post on forums and social media very limited.

Hopefully Rick can chime in here and add to this statement with what info he is able to.

I understand. Thank you kindly for the reply.
So having read your go fund me explainer, it looks like your intent is to rile a separate legal action from the CCFR.

Can you provide an update on where that sits? Have you retained counsel and filed with the court yet? I don't see you guys on the legal action tracker. Did I miss it?

So far we have joined forces with the CCFR action which has been filed.
We are also on board with John Hipwells action, which I believe has been filed.
Currently working on an action being handled by Ed Burlew trying to get a "stay" (not sure of correct term) but to get paperwork from the courts allowing us to continue producing our rifles until the case is heard. This is a private action claiming for damage to the business as a direct result of both the illegal FRT changes and the OIC.
This action is taking some time as we are still assembling a list of experts in many fields to compile affidavits to file with the action. Given the challenges of doing anything since Covid things are taking far longer than normal, but we are progressing.
ALL of these actions either have been or will be filed in federal court.

All of these once filed are public domain, so if you want to keep up with what is happening you can apparently through the courts.
I have been instructed by council NOT to provide much info until the action is filed.

Given everything else on my plate at this time, which is overwhelming to be honest, I have not had the time to get the personal information action off the ground. Needless to say the CFC and SFSS are not in any way being co-operative and have pointedly responded to general inquiries with a reply that has something to do with kinky ### and a cactus.
We appreciate your action, and all the other action being taken against this OIC and BS re-classifications. I get paid monthly, so my donations will be monthly. More to come in August.
So far we have joined forces with the CCFR action which has been filed.
We are also on board with John Hipwells action, which I believe has been filed.
Currently working on an action being handled by Ed Burlew trying to get a "stay" (not sure of correct term) but to get paperwork from the courts allowing us to continue producing our rifles until the case is heard. This is a private action claiming for damage to the business as a direct result of both the illegal FRT changes and the OIC.
This action is taking some time as we are still assembling a list of experts in many fields to compile affidavits to file with the action. Given the challenges of doing anything since Covid things are taking far longer than normal, but we are progressing.
ALL of these actions either have been or will be filed in federal court.

All of these once filed are public domain, so if you want to keep up with what is happening you can apparently through the courts.
I have been instructed by council NOT to provide much info until the action is filed.

Given everything else on my plate at this time, which is overwhelming to be honest, I have not had the time to get the personal information action off the ground. Needless to say the CFC and SFSS are not in any way being co-operative and have pointedly responded to general inquiries with a reply that has something to do with kinky ### and a cactus.

Not surprising and correct advice.

I don't need specifics but are you getting a positive vibe regarding it all?

I would also wonder what effect the "stay" you refer too (sounds like the everything would be locked in the status quo state from before the Turd Reich and his goons at the lab started meddling until the full case can be decided upon in court) would have on the legality of the end user continuing to use your products until it gets to court.

I understand if you don't want to comment.
Shaun, good advice by your council not to discuss anything online.

The backlash may be more then they anticipated.

Posers and the 5th colume will be working overtime.

Based on the facts and the actions to date I have always felt that ATRS have a solid case (possibly the strongest of all) that cannot be ignored.

If we can get a victory here then that could be the start of turning the tide.
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