Information good to know: List of Anti-Gun companies compiled by CCRKBA

I guess anything is possible but I find it hard to believe that Benchmade is anti-gun. They have had a very big display booth at the SHOT Show since I've been going (17 years).

My guess is when BM was working with the Oregon City Police to destroy a number of firearms. My understanding was the OCP requested to use Benchmade's facility and that was the end of it.
It would be great if there were a Canadian-specific list. Then again, it’d probably be easier to make a list of Canadian companies which are NOT anti-firearm.

I prefer BUYcotts anyways.
(sarcasm on) Let's just boycott the Chinese, it'll be easier. (sarcasm off)
Not practical in today's world to buy only from pro-gun shops.
I’ve always wanted to make a list of every business that turdo and ilk do a photo op at. Make hosting those jerks a kiss of death for any one that invites them in their business. Ottawa food bank lost all their donations yet?
As much as we want it to be, the world isn't practically black or white. While you boycott these companies to "stick it to the man" for not believing what you believe, you must know that not every employee of every one of these companies believes the same thing that the CEO believes.

If they actually even noticed a decline in sales, do you think the CEO would take a pay cut? Or more likely, would they start laying off hardworking people who just need a job? Who would you really be harming?
Wont be on this forum anymore. i'm going to throw my microsoft pc out my window. Will momentarily be "windows 10" feet above the ground before it smashes.
Looks like I'm cutting these out

Burger King
Enterprise (Sucks, I always preferred to rent from them. till now)
GE (Looking for new washer and dryer, Guess which brand I'm not going to buy)

Only ones I've ever used from the list
I hope a canadian version of this list comes out.
My guess is when BM was working with the Oregon City Police to destroy a number of firearms. My understanding was the OCP requested to use Benchmade's facility and that was the end of it.

I have no issues with them helping a PD to destroy guns, but they also donated to Democrats exclusively every year except for 2010 and 2012.
Their donation recipient includes those who supports standard capacity magazine ban, and those who were rated F by NRA.
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