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Thread: A sign of things to come...

  1. #31
    CGN Regular Vewdu's Avatar
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    10/10 fear mongering once again.

    Typical election season stupidity with a side of civil unrest. Things will be fine, so long as people up here don't start acting like the dummies down there and buying every round of ammo they can get their hands on. I've yet to see any form of shortage up here, lots of stock in every store I've been too and lots still coming in, same with reloading components. Prices are all over the place but again, no shortage of supply though that could change, I dont forsee it so long as we stay level headed unlike the #### show at our border.

  2. #32
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Janeau View Post
    Anybody can ask crazy price on the internet. It does not mean it sell.
    Adds mean nothing.
    Except this time it sold for a crazy price.

    To be clear, there might be some increases in the short/mid term, but nothing that warrants the kind of prices that guy paid for 1000 rounds. If prices ever make it to 1$/round for 9mm, I'll sell most of my stash and buy a second house.

    If 9mm made it to 1$, can you imagine the prices of larger calibers? 45acp/357mag for 2$/round? Plinking quality 308 for 2.50$/round? Hunting rifle ammos from 243 to 300WM and shotgun shells for 5$ a pop? A lot of people would sell their stash at that price and retire early.

    If you wanted to make quick money a few months ago, you should have bough AMZN stocks, not ammos.

  3. #33
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    Maybe if they learned to read from a teacher.

  4. #34
    CGN Regular Crazy Cory's Avatar
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    I just picked up 3000 9mm projectiles for $300

    I can make my own powder. My own primers.
    Looking at buying some molds.
    I don't see any ammo shortage in my future

  5. #35
    CGN frequent flyer New Camper's Avatar
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    Lurking in the woods near SFRC.
    "Enter Address: 1234 Craptastic street Minneapolis, Minnesota"
    "Select method of shipping: APV and armed delivery men."

    Some special circumstance in this auction, but fundamentally IRG is/will be right: a consequence of morons deciding monetary policy. Rapid inflation is the inevitable result of the money printing presses going full tilt. Not even twenty years ago, 9mm ammo could be had for ~5.00 a box, now it's over 15.00... 3x increase in several years during the more conservative Harper years into Turd Reich. It's not unreasonable considering the current trend to expect $35.00 for that box next year.(700/thousand) And for those who think this is a result of manufacturer greed... you're thoroughly stoned on blue pills.

    Availability will be influenced by supply and demand, and obviously also influences prices but those prices are always measured in baseless dollars.
    "And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not." Peter

  6. #36
    CGN Regular
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    Quote Originally Posted by New Camper View Post
    "Enter Address: 1234 Craptastic street Minneapolis, Minnesota"
    "Select method of shipping: APV and armed delivery men."

    Some special circumstance in this auction, but fundamentally IRG is/will be right: a consequence of morons deciding monetary policy. Rapid inflation is the inevitable result of the money printing presses going full tilt. Not even twenty years ago, 9mm ammo could be had for ~5.00 a box, now it's over 15.00... 3x increase in several years during the more conservative Harper years into Turd Reich. It's not unreasonable considering the current trend to expect $35.00 for that box next year.(700/thousand) And for those who think this is a result of manufacturer greed... you're thoroughly stoned on blue pills.

    Availability will be influenced by supply and demand, and obviously also influences prices but those prices are always measured in baseless dollars.
    I totally agree, prices on firearms and ammo have increased very rapidly in this country in a few short years. Canada might be a bit more immune to the latest fluctuations. However with all the demand in the U.S., I could potentially see shortages, or prices on ammo jumping again very soon, unless all the unrest and political volatility settles down. Strangely I don't see the leftists relaxing their riotous and indignant attitudes anytime soon.

  7. #37
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer merlin1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Revv View Post
    I totally agree, prices on firearms and ammo have increased very rapidly in this country in a few short years. Canada might be a bit more immune to the latest fluctuations. However with all the demand in the U.S., I could potentially see shortages, or prices on ammo jumping again very soon, unless all the unrest and political volatility settles down. Strangely I don't see the leftists relaxing their riotous and indignant attitudes anytime soon.
    Canadians just dont fight back the leftist dirtbags here,they are too polite for that lol
    guns don't belong in cities---they belong in each and every home

  8. #38
    Member Mick 3901's Avatar
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    Whoever spends that much money for 9mm rounds at that cost per round, needs to join the tinfoil Helmut club. Sorry, but Canadians don't buy into American ammo paranoia purchases. I remember when Yanks went nuts for .22 LR and bought up most available supplies due to ammo hoarders. They tried back then to get Canadians into ridiculous levels of buying rimfire ammo back then. Meanwhile few places in Canada had any sort of shortage and where there were shortages, they were short lived. Few Canadians rose to the fervor that time and I'm willing to bet few do this time. What we're seeing is paranoid American's prepping themselves for when Trump loses the election and his base comes out to start the second American Civil War. That is what these fruit loops are talking about on all social media platforms. So I'm not biting. Let the nut bars waste their paychecks on stupid ammo prices.

  9. #39
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry514 View Post
    bullets are the new toilet paper lol
    They are in the sense that for a while the shelves will be bare.
    Eventually production will pick up and everything will get restocked.
    But for a while supply will be very limited. Who knows how long "a while" is? Weeks? Months? Longer?

    If you have a lot on hand you'll be fine. (do nothing)
    If you think you might be low, get a few months supply now.

    buying to make money isnt the best use of your time (like mentioned before buy stocks)

    having more ammo than you need is never a bad situation to find yourself in

    worst case, if you find you overstocked, sell it to a friend a cost...

  10. #40
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer J.Hancock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AOWM View Post
    So forget about it, we’re out.
    IDK man, the boomers (love em with all my heart) were the complacent generation, blew their loads in the 60s and built the consumer culture to follow. "Times they are a changing" ..if we wanted to turn this country around, it is a viable option. We just gotta teach golden generation values of sacrifice and hard work to our peers. Xers caught the tail end of our grandparents inspiration, hand it down to the millennials.
    "When truth and fairness differs from what is law, better to follow truth and fairness."

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