New Safariland shipment of 6390RDS coming in.

Are you able to get safariland holsters for the following spec:
- G17 gen5 MOS
- Right handed
- Nightstick TCM-550XL

Can you point me to the holster with these requirements

Right handed
mid ride

My current G17 doesn't have an optic so if I get a holster with the space for an optic but not running an optic does it effect the retention?
I'm planning on adding an optic down the road.

Also whats the main difference in retention with Lvl 1 and 3?

Running an Optic Ready holster without and optic won't change how the retention works, so no problem there.

Level 1 would be your friction type retention holster.
Level 2 would add a security to defeat during your draw. For Safariland, either the ALS or SLS
Level 3 retention add another layer of security from level 2 that needs to be defeted during your draw. For Safariland, level 3 is a combination of their ALS and SLS system.

For most uses, other then extreme conditions or requirements, level 2 is more the adequate.

For your configuration, the 6390RDS will do perfectly.
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