New Shipment of FORGINGS at Dlask Arms Corp.

Cbsa likely want to try harder but can't. They are the scapegoat, they only guard ports of entry. RCMP are in charge of anything border-related outside of any port of entry.

My money's on Blair and Goodale wishing to make everything worse to prove crime has been going up
Cbsa likely want to try harder but can't. They are the scapegoat, they only guard ports of entry. RCMP are in charge of anything border-related outside of any port of entry.

My money's on Blair and Goodale wishing to make everything worse to prove crime has been going up

Bingo. To make it even more of a farce, the Canadian side of Peace Arch park in BC is closed, but the US side isn't. So every weekend the park is jammed with people, and tents, and BBQs and coolers and Canadians parking in the surrounding neighborhoods and crossing the border over the ditch into Washington state with all their camping gear and no one is checking anyone or anything. Cooler full of drugs, guns, gun parts NBD, no one checks. One of the local newspapers, Peace Arch News i think enquires to CBSA why no one was checking people at the park, answer was not our problem check with RCMP, RCMP responded to the paper, not our problem check with CBSA. And the circle jerk continues.
So what’s the deal are these prohibited?....what does it fall under .....if not prohibited please pm me ....cause you just sold one to me

As a federally licensed manufacturer and gunsmith do you think we would sell you a PROHIBITED item without you having the correct license ? C'mon brother, lol.

Moe is correct, these are simply lumps of aluminum that happen to be in the rough shape of an AR-15 receiver. Legal to freely purchase by anyone in this country (for now).
As a federally licensed manufacturer and gunsmith do you think we would sell you a PROHIBITED item without you having the correct license ? C'mon brother, lol.

Moe is correct, these are simply lumps of aluminum that happen to be in the rough shape of an AR-15 receiver. Legal to freely purchase by anyone in this country (for now).


In for a set.
Because they look cool.
Because something tells me muh gov hates these too.
Just to show people how stupid things are getting.
So just curious..... if in my dream world all of this gets overturned, can I send it back to you and have it milled? If yes, how much?
Thanks for the super fast processing and shipping. My papers are finally safe from the wind!

Haha, mine too, package arrived just a few minutes ago.

Also interested to see if the option would exist to send them back for finishing, should this crap get overturned?
I recieved mine, thanks very much Dlask! I will have to look for someone to finish off these paperweights once our firearms rights come back to us.
are you able to get forgings of your 1911s? I have your ar15 forgings on my desk and look great but still have room for something else.
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