Kenosha Call of Duty pmags 15.99USD each

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whether or not he was justified, i wasn't there and i am pretty sure most of you commenting on this forum weren't there either. This incident had nothing to do with guns and everything to do with whatever issues they have down there, lets learn from this and not have it in our country. Unity is stronger than division. Lets deal with our issues and make sure this sort of thing doesn't happen in our country. As for the mags, People died. no one should capitalize on that. Keep your divisive propaganda south of the border please.

Well said, and members of this forum are not the only ones who view it, not good to paint ones self into a corner with BS&BREVADO comments.
Not the first time Irunguns have offered up tasteless products looking to capitalize on controversial/devisive topics.... And it always looks bad to the gun-neutral camp we need to have in our corner. Doing damage to the cause because of humour or money is like cutting off one nose to spite his face.
Not the first time Irunguns have offered up tasteless products looking to capitalize on controversial/devisive topics.... And it always looks bad to the gun-neutral camp we need to have in our corner. Doing damage to the cause because of humour or money is like cutting off one nose to spite his face.

How is the controversial or divisive? He literally did nothing wrong.

Just like floyd was a hero
Just like floyd was a hero

Floyd was a career criminal and a drug dealer, whom did not hesitate to hold a woman at gunpoint during a home invasion....

Of course this was only indirectly (and very reluctantly) acknowledged in passing by the fake news MSM outlets, only once they realized, that they can't deny this one as the info was already out.
They were trying to create an image of this innocent black martyr, whom fell victim to police racism and his criminal past was very much a blow to their narrative.

Nevermind the fact that there is not one single shread of evidence, that any of the cops whom were present at the scene were racist...not one.
The officers at the scene were in fact multi-racial from white, to hispanic to asian.
Absolutelly nothing to suggest that Floyd's race played any role in this...

But none of this mattered to those, whom were looking to instigate trouble under the pretense of "racial justice"
Does dilating make you cranky? When did you start to transition? What are your pronouns, I wouldn't want to offend you ma'am.

In all fairness to that guy, calling it tasteless humour isnt particularily woke. Its somewhat true (subjectively). But if he isnt here for what he calls tasteless humour, he shouldnt have clicked on it.
I'm a lawyer. Innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt is the glory of our system of rule of law (and that of our American cousins). This young fellow and anyone who emulates him, though, is still a fool. He should have stayed at home.

You must be an inept lawyer if you can’t recognize that he had every right to be there. Do you also tell people who’ve been robbed, raped or assaulted that they should have stayed home?

In the same breath, you give lip service to the rule of law — if everyone in Kenosha that night adhered to it, then no one would have been killed. The only person involved in this case who did was Kyle Rittenhouse.
As they say , never bring a skateboard to a gun fight . Why people would attempt to chase after someone who has an AR in their hands is beyond me as what did they think would happen , Darwin's Theory at work I guess .
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