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Alrighty boys, moving on.. why is there so many new in the box type 81’s being sold on the EE? I at the least would have enjoyed shooting the hell out of it then maybe just maybe sell it down the road.

Guessing most are trying to make a quick profit but now the market (or EE) is flooded. In assuming most buyers are holding off for TI to bring the rest in so not many are selling.
Alrighty boys, moving on.. why is there so many new in the box type 81’s being sold on the EE? I at the least would have enjoyed shooting the hell out of it then maybe just maybe sell it down the road.

I think many people took it on face value that these would be the only ones coming into the country, looked at the only other LMGs (that I'm aware of) i.e. Valmets + the current asking prices for Type 81s and then thought it'd be a safe purchase with a quick return
I have always wanted an RPD clone - or at least as close as I could get. I have a phosphate version and I haven't even unpacked it yet. When I saw prices spike I reconsidered using the gun. Of prices are skyrocketing, well, supply & demand. I'll sell it for a huge profit. Say what you want; the market will support what people will pay.
This is TI we are talking about. They know how to price things... if it’s true that they are bringing rifles back I wouldn’t be surprised if they start charging $300-$400 more for the next LMG batch... market economics... it is what it is...
I just can’t believe the amount of man-childs in this thread. The insecurity of some of you is alarming. You’re a grown man trying to justify to complete strangers on the Internet why or why not you did or didn’t buy something. If you bought one then go shoot it , if you didn’t then GTFO of this thread. I’ve seen more maturity from 5 year olds in my kids preschool group.
I put another 250 rounds through my LMG this weekend past, not once did I stop and think “maybe some cockbag on Gun Nutz thinks this things a piece of $hit” ...and even if it had entered my mind ...I wouldn’t have cared anyway lololololol
I just can’t believe the amount of man-childs in this thread. The insecurity of some of you is alarming. You’re a grown man trying to justify to complete strangers on the Internet why or why not you did or didn’t buy something. If you bought one then go shoot it , if you didn’t then GTFO of this thread. I’ve seen more maturity from 5 year olds in my kids preschool group.
I put another 250 rounds through my LMG this weekend past, not once did I stop and think “maybe some cockbag on Gun Nutz thinks this things a piece of $hit” ...and even if it had entered my mind ...I wouldn’t have cared anyway lololololol

i second this motion completely... 9000 pages of ohhh mine not here yet...ohhh its expensive....ohhhh people are upselling them

if you cant afford it dont buy it
if its not here yet its on its way
if your looking at the upselling used market and think its overpriced don't get it, someone else will... prob the same people who were buying 700$ sks at the gun shows because it had a tapco stock and a Chyna made scope and laser on it.

want something to do with your money? buy a membership for a progun lobby firearms legal more ammo....go take as many courses as you can...thats money well spent.
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i second this motion completely... 9000 pages of ohhh mine not here yet...ohhh its expensive....ohhhh people are upselling them

if you cant afford it dont buy it
if its not here yet its on its way
if your looking at the upselling used market and think its overpriced don't get it, someone else will... prob the same people who were buying 700$ sks at the gun shows because it had a tapco stock and a Chyna made scope and laser on it.

want something to do with your money? buy a membership for a progun lobby firearms legal more ammo....go take as many courses as you can...thats money well spent.

Probably the best post on this thread other than the first one. TI should close this now.
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