Ellwood Epps. Anyone home?

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Well I guess it is what it is...I bought a handgun last Thursday, it was released by RCMP within 24 hours here in Quebec (yes, I'm still floored on that one) so, Friday morning I sent the email of the transfer to them at 9AM and have been waiting ever since for it to ship. I was told that the shipper is out and that we are "overwhelmed" with orders and today they are closed...so 4 days later....and nothing for an already paid Item. You'd imagine if they had that much volume, they'd hire staff to come in on a weekend and catch up the backlog to be efficient and true to your rep, but alas no....just wait for it and it will come eventually lol
Don't get me wrong, I love Ellwood Epps and will still continue to buy there....but it is a little disappointing that we matter so little to them.
I have been dealing with the Winkles for 15 years and will continue to do so. If I’m buying retail it’s most likely from Epps.
Well I guess it is what it is...I bought a handgun last Thursday, it was released by RCMP within 24 hours here in Quebec (yes, I'm still floored on that one) so, Friday morning I sent the email of the transfer to them at 9AM and have been waiting ever since for it to ship. I was told that the shipper is out and that we are "overwhelmed" with orders and today they are closed...so 4 days later....and nothing for an already paid Item. You'd imagine if they had that much volume, they'd hire staff to come in on a weekend and catch up the backlog to be efficient and true to your rep, but alas no....just wait for it and it will come eventually lol
Don't get me wrong, I love Ellwood Epps and will still continue to buy there....but it is a little disappointing that we matter so little to them.

Whether or not we had staff in to "catch up on the weekend" would have made no difference. Your order was approved on a Friday. With the queue of items awaiting packaging, it is doubtful that order would have been packaged for pick-up that same day. There is normally a 1-2 day delay in getting packages to our Shipper and out the door. Most businesses work on this timeframe, and most customers understand this.

Canada Post and CanPar do not pick up on Saturdays nor on Sundays. Our store is closed on Mondays. This means the earliest your package could have left our store would have been the following Tuesday.

Given the fact that your transfer approval was gained within 24 hours of your purchase, while the vast majority of other Restricted firearm transfers are taking anywhere from 2-3 months to see approval, the fact that you had to wait 4 days for your order to ship would seem like a minor inconvenience to most others who have been waiting for their transfers to be approved since June and earlier.

Like yourself, each of our staff members are gun owners and hunters / shooters / collectors. None of us likes to wait any longer than is necessary to have our new purchases placed in our hands, therefore we do make every attempt to expedite each shipment as swiftly as possible. Certainly a few days' delay, given the timing of your order, is not so outrageous to endure?
We are sorry that you are disappointed with the timeframe to have your pistol packaged and sent out from our store. However, as outlined, it would have been nearly impossible to have this order packaged and sent out any faster than was managed, regardless of whether or Shipper was in that day.

We do hope you enjoy the product you have purchased, and as that item has now been sent out to you, we consider this matter closed.
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