Canadian Historical Arms Museum Display - October


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The Canadian Historical Arms Museum has updated its display in store for the month of October.

Can you name them all?



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This will be all our firearms one day!.....:(

I think we should get rid of the corrupt Liberals before this becomes fruition!..........:(
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Wow I actually got them all right on the first try, guess I have Forgotten Weapons to thank for helping me identify the weird ones like the Z62 and the M56. Honestly I would be willing to give a lot of money for a semi-auto MAT49, one of my favourite SMG's of all time no doubt (or hey even a 49-54 if we need some extra length). I dunno what it is but old school SMG's are just far too interesting and cool looking to me, what a great display, would be really cool to check out in person!
1-MAT 49
2-Madsen M50
3-MAC 10
4-Zastava M56
5-suppresed Sten MkIV
6-Sten MKIV
7-Star Z62

time to revisit #5 and #6?

Interesting entomology... as a replacement for the STEN was sought circa 1944...
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