9 Inch GSG-16 Rifles in at Dlask Arms Corp.

I dont know what you guys keep asking for updates for when it is all posted in one thread above this one. Just open the Dlask Arms forum section is there is like 3 simultaneous threads about 9 inch barrels going on. The above was written on Dec 22, 2020

Yes thank you. I did find that post eventually and then like everyone else I have been waiting patiently. But that doesn't chang the fact that before I learned that they are giving product updates on a forum I did try contacting them several times through the customer support form on their website and they never replied after waiting about a month I figured there must be something wrong with the website so I phoned the store and asked about the 9" barrels. I politely said hi and asked if they had any 9" barrels and the guy just answered in short single word answers. He just said NO.. and was silent.. I had to pry answers out of him. It was like I was burdening him with my normal customer inquiries. I said oh ok are you getting more in some time. He was like.. no we make them... again super awkward.. I said ok how can I get one made.. this went on for a bit. Then he said we will let you know on the forums when they are ready and basically hung up.. he was on speaker in my car and my wife looked at me and we both couldn't believe how weird and rude the guy was. Anyhow I looked on the forums and found the thread he was talking about and one post was a pre order form link they had posted so I tried the link and surprise surprise the guys with such amazing customer service and who never reply to customer emails cant keep a web link working either.. so I asked in the forum if they could post a working link so I could preorder.. well guess what they never bothered to reply once again.. I have many many friends who have had similar experiences with these guys so that's the whole story and probably why people keep asking because they dont communicate with people very well.
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Good luck friend.. they dont even bother to answer questions on the forums and if you call they are super rude giving short one word answers... I guess when business is good you can treat potential customers like garbage. Pretty sad..

If they are really that bad, why isn’t anyone else producing these barrels? Are they that difficult for a gun smith to make?
If they are really that bad, why isn’t anyone else producing these barrels? Are they that difficult for a gun smith to make?

Ya I know right!? I know gunsmiths are in short supply in the the lower mainland and this is where they are located. They do seem to be one of the few companies that is willing to make some of the cooler and more unique accessories. I recall they made me a really nice short 10/22 barrel back in the day as well. There products are great for sure. I am guessing it takes considerable skill and equipment to do what they do. So not many others can enter the game that easily..
Yes thank you. I did find that post eventually and then like everyone else I have been waiting patiently. But that doesn't chang the fact that before I learned that they are giving product updates on a forum I did try contacting them several times through the customer support form on their website and they never replied after waiting about a month I figured there must be something wrong with the website so I phoned the store and asked about the 9" barrels. I politely said hi and asked if they had any 9" barrels and the guy just answered in short single word answers. He just said NO.. and was silent.. I had to pry answers out of him. It was like I was burdening him with my normal customer inquiries. I said oh ok are you getting more in some time. He was like.. no we make them... again super awkward.. I said ok how can I get one made.. this went on for a bit. Then he said we will let you know on the forums when they are ready and basically hung up.. he was on speaker in my car and my wife looked at me and we both couldn't believe how weird and rude the guy was. Anyhow I looked on the forums and found the thread he was talking about and one post was a pre order form link they had posted so I tried the link and surprise surprise the guys with such amazing customer service and who never reply to customer emails cant keep a web link working either.. so I asked in the forum if they could post a working link so I could preorder.. well guess what they never bothered to reply once again.. I have many many friends who have had similar experiences with these guys so that's the whole story and probably why people keep asking because they dont communicate with people very well.

"Then he said we will let you know on the forums when they are ready and basically hung up.. he was on speaker in my car and my wife looked at me and we both couldn't believe how weird and rude the guy was."

Maybe your wife and his wife should get together on speaker....and get this issue ironed out?
Absolutely 100% correct. No pre-orders at this time. We have a few skids of rifles coming in both OD and Black as well we are making a batch of barrels. I have not been responding to emails or phone calls about these since I don't have time. I will post here once we get our rifles and barrels done so both will then be available on the website.

Hey dshollywood,

I posted this very early on in this thread to tell everyone, very politely, that we will update people when we have news to tell. It CLEARLY says that we are not responding to emails or phone calls regarding these because we simply do not have the time in a day to do so and work on the 1,000 other projects and jobs that keep the lights on and our kids fed. If you choose to disrespect our wishes and call anyways, well, you pays your money and takes your chances on how that call will be received.

I'm sorry if you only scanned the thread title and then picked up the phone to call but if you had delved a bit deeper in you would have hit this #7 post and realized that we don't want calls or emails about these. I even removed the barrels and rifles from our website to prevent calls and emails. Nothing ####'ish about it just asking people to be patient. I have asked that in this thread and the others where I am updating on the timeline as it progresses. I'm super sorry if you want it sooner than we can provide but at this time our hands are tied by the barrel manufacturer and that's that.

In the meantime understand that : I have asked, I have explained why, and I have asked asked again....PLEASE don't call or email me about these. It only slows down the entire process for yourself and others that are waiting patiently and delays other projects that people are waiting for. It's just a nasty chain reaction of delays for ALL concerned.

If you want respect from me then it goes BOTH ways and I expect some respect from the public when I ask to be left to work while I sort these barrels and parts out. I think that is a fair and reasonable proposal ?
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Hey dshollywood,

I posted this very early on in this thread to tell everyone, very politely, that we will update people when we have news to tell. It CLEARLY says that we are not responding to emails or phone calls regarding these because we simply do not have the time in a day to do so and work on the 1,000 other projects and jobs that keep the lights on and our kids fed. If you choose to disrespect our wishes and call anyways, well, you pays your money and takes your chances on how that call will be received.

I'm sorry if you only scanned the thread title and then picked up the phone to call but if you had delved a bit deeper in you would have hit this #7 post and realized that we don't want calls or emails about these. I even removed the barrels and rifles from our website to prevent calls and emails. Nothing ####'ish about it just asking people to be patient. I have asked that in this thread and the others where I am updating on the timeline as it progresses. I'm super sorry if you want it sooner than we can provide but at this time our hands are tied by the barrel manufacturer and that's that.

In the meantime understand that : I have asked, I have explained why, and I have asked asked again....PLEASE don't call or email me about these. It only slows down the entire process for yourself and others that are waiting patiently and delays other projects that people are waiting for. It's just a nasty chain reaction of delays for ALL concerned.

If you want respect from me then it goes BOTH ways and I expect some respect from the public when I ask to be left to work while I sort these barrels and parts out. I think that is a fair and reasonable proposal ?

Got it 👍
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