Type 81 Folders

In TI and the factory's defense, the likelihood that an outside country would order enough Type 81s to keep the tooling from destruction is a highly unusual circumstance. They were honest in their marketing at the time of the initial sales. If some speculators get burned by this fortuitous change in circumstance, that's the risk they take. The fact a non Chinese military is willing to put in an order two decades into the 21st century says something good about the Type 81's quality and reliability :)
Please tell me more details, What country and in what quantity?

What information there is can be found in the main Type 81 LMG thread. Details of the country involved and size would remain confidential until the deal is official, and may remain private after completion. Arms deals sometimes require discretion. It is likely one of the militaries that already use the Type 81. The potential order must be somewhat substantial, if it saved the Type 81 tooling from recycling. And if they can provide more Type 81s to the Canadian market while they wait, everyone is happy, with the exception of anti gun advocates.
Link to post explaining that there maybe a military order they can piggyback off of.

Nothing is confirmed yet but it looks very promising, if a government/police/military wants to buy enough rifles to start the factory again.
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