All of Manitoba is falling into a lockdown.. UPDATE

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Here’s a crazy idea, wash your ####ing hands. People are disgusting. Eating with their hands out in public, picking their noses, rubbing their eyes.. all #### I see people doing even when we’re nearly a year into the pandemic. There’s even youtube videos on how to properly wash your hands. Grown adults not having a clue how to keep up with basic hygiene. Here are some disturbing numbers about how often people washed their hands comparing pre and during pandemic.

The most common response to the question “prior to the pandemic how many times per day do you wash your hands?” was 3-4... yes, 3-4. Going to the washroom, before eating, after blowing your nose, riding transit, visiting any public place, basically anytime you get home: all good reasons to wash your hands. Yet we have grown adults needing a ####ing global pandemic to learn how to properly clean themselves. Disgusting idiots.

So yeah, step it up with your damn hygiene and there’s no reason to shut down the economy and hurt businesses. If only high-risk immune compromised people stayed home and got government support, we wouldn't be spending billions to give handouts to people perfectly capable of going out and contributing to the economy.

Last time I posted a similar comment it wasnt popular opinion, but enough is enough. Besides, Trump lost.. shouldn’t covid be disappearing shortly? The virus did its job, time to move on.

Yup, people's hands are filthy and they don't even realize it. Working fast food for one of my first jobs, and then going to work in a hospital really drilled into my head the importance of hand washing.
I was hoping pallister would resist this lockdown mess
ALL politicians are either bribed to go along with the plan or are actively working behind the plan. No exception.

You guys think this bull#### virus was about the US election? lol that's cute. The two party system and all elections have been entirely controlled by a single side since woodrow wilson. ALL republican presidents and ALL democrat presidents have been on the same team since the 1910's.

It doesn't matter who wins, the plan is the same.

The virus is about aligning the planet towards massive depopulation. The first wave was a farce and the second one is 100% imaginary. No matter how big and obvious the truth is (i;e: completely empty hospitals and practically nobody knowing anyone who has it. Nobody has the flu this year, magically), they'll put everything in eternal lockdown, make working illegal, and manipulate the authorities into throwing the non-compliants into covid death camps or else. And they'll do it.

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Give me a break. If I go out and get covid I might be fine, but my immunocompromised roommate will likely die from it. Tons of people have already died from it and more and more people are contacting it every day, I can't believe how selfish and ignorant people are in response to this whole thing, that people's safety and well-being is surpassed by your need to go get a haircut or whatever. Don't get me wrong lockdown sucks, but it beats getting myself or somebody I care about sick.

Selfish and ignorant? Well lets talk actual numbers then. Just over 10k deaths, 80% in old folk homes. Almost 8k die a year from the flu alone in this country sure sounds scary... If anything your stance is the most selfish of them all. Because of your fear, you think it's okay to force families small business's to close, making it so Canadians can't pay their bills or feed their families. Your authoritarian ideals and lack of compassion for others not in your immediate circle is the most selfish thing I've read all day.
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High Hitler!

Coming to a city near you, forced vaccinations, concentration camps and cattle cars to the open pit.

How stupid is everyone, wake up Canada.

The Liberal/DEMONcrats are coming for you.

Oh, I almost forgot, turn in all your guns!

Total bull####!..........:(
ALL politicians are either bribed to go along with the plan or are actively working behind the plan. No exception.

Pallister is doing what any honest and responsible leader should do when dealing with a highly contagious disease with an overall 1% death rate.
Covid-19 mostly affects Canadians 70 and older but it can quickly get out of hand and fill 100% of intensive care capacity!!!
(That when 50 and 60 year old will start dying by the truckload like it happened in Northern Italy).
There is no miracle solution but everyone need to take action to minimize propagation of the virus.
(limit social contacts, wear mask indoor, keep rooms well ventilated and that's pretty much it).

I wish that Western provinces can learn from what happened in Central Canada and stay safe until we get the vaccine in spring 2021.
We're at our second "lockdown" in Quebec and it's not that bad if you keep schools and business open and help out financially all those who cannot stay open.
Many are just stupid and don't know how to think for themselves.
You're giving them too much credit by assuming whatever they do is dictated by what they think.

Selfish and ignorant? Well lets talk actual numbers then. Just over 10k deaths, 80% in old folk homes. Almost 8k die from the flu alone in this country sure sounds scary... If anything your stance is the most selfish of them all. Because of your fear, you think it's okay to force families small business's to close, making it so Canadians can't pay their bills or feed their families. Your authoritarian ideals and lack of compassion for others not in your immediate circle is the most selfish thing I've read all day.
I should remember everyone that old folk care facilities are there for one purpose and one purpose only. FOR OLD FOLKS TO EVENTUALLY DIE. They have always had high death numbers because old folks who are in these facilities ALL have at least one foot in the grave. Otherwise they wouldn't be there, there is a strict screening process since the places are limited and all healthy old folks who can care for themselves are rejected. No exception. Once they're in there they usually have no more than maybe two or three years to live.

Always been like that.
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Give me a break. If I go out and get covid I might be fine, but my immunocompromised roommate will likely die from it. Tons of people have already died from it and more and more people are contacting it every day, I can't believe how selfish and ignorant people are in response to this whole thing, that people's safety and well-being is surpassed by your need to go get a haircut or whatever. Don't get me wrong lockdown sucks, but it beats getting myself or somebody I care about sick.

With all due respect, I'm assuming you would be just as concerned if someone in your bubble has the flu or pneumonia. So my thoughts are it would be more effective for you yourself to take the simple precautions required, help your roommate do the same, ensure all those that are in your bubble do the same and lock yourself down period that way the rest of us can go about our day and you guys will all be safe.... From everything. It's a win-win!
With all due respect, I'm assuming you would be just as concerned if someone in your bubble has the flu or pneumonia. So my thoughts are it would be more effective for you yourself to take the simple precautions required, help your roommate do the same, ensure all those that are in your bubble do the same and lock yourself down period that way the rest of us can go about our day and you guys will all be safe.... From everything. It's a win-win!
Speaking of pneumonia, vast majority of people going to the hospital right now with "covid symptoms" are doing so because they've been breathing back in the garbage their body is supposed to get rid of through exhalation, because they're constantly wearing face diapers, which in turn causes very serious lung problems, like pneumonia, among other things. The mandatory face coverings were put in place to cause exactly that, by the way.
They don't have covid, they probably test positive for covid because the tests don't test for the presence covid19, they test if you have coronavirus-familiy reacting white blood cells. Notwhitstanding the fact that a person can test positive 5 times and negative 6 times on the same day. The tests are THAT reliable. Coronaviruses have ALWAYS been around, chances are, at least one of the times you had "the flu", you didn't have the flu at all, you had a coronavirus. One of the reasons the flu shot has always been very ineffective. Both viruses crate the same general symptoms and illnesses.

The breathing process is just as important as urinating and defecating, it's a process the body uses all day long to get rid of toxins and other garbage the body needs to get rid of. Actually, when you lose weight, a good portion of the weight you lose is being lost through exhalation.

Do you drink your own urine or eat your own poop after you've expelled them?
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Give me a break. If I go out and get covid I might be fine, but my immunocompromised roommate will likely die from it. Tons of people have already died from it and more and more people are contacting it every day, I can't believe how selfish and ignorant people are in response to this whole thing, that people's safety and well-being is surpassed by your need to go get a haircut or whatever. Don't get me wrong lockdown sucks, but it beats getting myself or somebody I care about sick.

Rules are made for the majority not the few.

Ruining peoples lives, crushing the economy, houses getting foreclosed, businesses going bankrupt everywhere, losing jobs, , putting people into debt, depression, anxiety and suicide are some of the side effects of the covid lockdown rules and everyone is ignoring them for a flu they can’t figure out that has a very high recovery rate and botched science. (Admitted last week by Dr Bonnie)

The solution to the problem can’t be worse than the problem itself.
There's over 200k people dead in the US from it alone, I'm sorry but that's not anything like the flu, I worked in a hospital for five years and still maintain contact with some of my former co-workers who have had to deal directly with covid patients. I find it concerning how dismissive were being of the facts here, especially in the gun owner community where we constantly have to show the liberal anti gunners the facts about gun crime/violence to try and prove that gun control isn't a good idea, this disregard of evidence from professionals just reminds me so much of that liberal mindset. I also get my flu shot during each flu season, there is not a vaccine yet for covid. My friends and family are taking precautions also, my roommate is working from home, since he's a nurse and would be very likely to contract it if he was still working at the hospital, there's only so much that can be done when we're living under the same roof unfortunately. I also take lots of precautions, I thankfully work at a job site with very few people, and that job site has temperature checks, I also go out very rarely and just for essentials like food, when I get home with groceries I sanitize everything and change into new clothes after taking a shower.

Maybe read the actual info CDC released.
They admitted “only 6% of COVID deaths, were actually from COVID”

People who over-zealously bend over are the threat, not normal people who are not sick.
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