Norinco 7.62x54 New Production


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Barrie Area 705
Anyone try this stuff out yet ? On the website it says new production but says corrosive Ive seen it advertised elsewhere as non-corrosive, curious if it actually is corrosive or not ! Cheers
Anyone try this stuff out yet ? On the website it says new production but says corrosive Ive seen it advertised elsewhere as non-corrosive, curious if it actually is corrosive or not ! Cheers

Buy some and nail test it. Otherwise I would just assume it's corrosive honestly. Most of the countries buying this are dirt poor ****holes that don't care one way or the other.
I always treat ammo like it's corrosive just to be safe. I've heard horror stories from people who have used Barnaul that said non corrosive on the box that turned out to be corrosive.

I had an awful experience with either Barnaul or Norinco Dominion 7.62x39 that rusted the crap out of an SKS I have. Truly shocking but I deserve it.
I'm betting it's berdan primer, and in the same bet it's corrosive. China has way too much money into the industry of replacement over the industry of longevity for me to ever bet otherwise.
thanks for input, it seems there was a single batch some folks got that was non corrosive but this seems to be corrosive now all around

will probally end up ordering the barnual as I havent had issues with that , mainly prefer to shoot non corrosive, less work cleaning it, easyier with some CLP !

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