We are moving.

Me too, but to just say "frt is not a legal document, keep up." is pretty dismissive of the real world implications.

Amazes me how this technicality alone is not sufficient for case dismissal - massive ramifications indeed.

Continuing to follow your case ATRS.
I don't want to get TOO ahead of myself... but if the Modern Sporter I ordered in that salty few days after the OIC ever shows up, the first thing I'm doing is laser engraving "F*** Trudeau* on the mag-well.
Might even add billy boy's last name in there for posterity.
My apologies, I am late to this party. Are you saying that the owner of this forum could not temporarily cut you some financial slack? You are fighting for the very principals this forum is allowed to exist. Please correct me if that has changed or I am out of line.

I continue to donate to the various cases fighting for our cause as I cannot afford to do it myself. Thank you!

So, this business is no longer paying to advertise on the forum, but are using the forum to raise money for a legal defense fund? Smart guy - this Rick.
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So, this business is no longer paying to advertise on the forum, but are using the forum to raise money for a legal defense fund? Smart guy - this Rick.

OHHH Make NO mistake, Rick is still paying to be on this forum. If he did not pay he would not be on here at all.
He just made a very logical business decision to cut back on his advertising budget to increase what funds he has to help pay the lawyers that are fighting on OUR behalf.
You DON'T take on the government for chump change. Top of the heap lawyers cost top of the pay grade money and when you are fighting the Federal Government you hire the very best, just as the Feds will fight back with their very best but on the taxpayers dime.
A reasonable thing to do when you are asking for donations and paying lawyers!
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