Buying experience at Tenda

Exactly. I called to find out why my order hadn’t shipped because it had been a few days since the shipping label was created. The gentleman on the phone was truthful and explained there was a lot of orders and they are working as fast as possible, offered to put a rush on it to which I declined. I received my order today with a free cleaning brush. Very kind. This isn’t my first order nor will it be my last. Thanks again Tenda!
Exactly. I called to find out why my order hadn’t shipped because it had been a few days since the shipping label was created. The gentleman on the phone was truthful and explained there was a lot of orders and they are working as fast as possible, offered to put a rush on it to which I declined. I received my order today with a free cleaning brush. Very kind. This isn’t my first order nor will it be my last. Thanks again Tenda!

Tenda is a great store to shop. No negative experiences...
Exactly. I called to find out why my order hadn’t shipped because it had been a few days since the shipping label was created. The gentleman on the phone was truthful and explained there was a lot of orders and they are working as fast as possible, offered to put a rush on it to which I declined. I received my order today with a free cleaning brush. Very kind. This isn’t my first order nor will it be my last. Thanks again Tenda!

Been waiting 10 days for my order to ship. Shipping label was created 10 days ago. It will get here when it gets here. Haven't tried calling as there is no point. I always had good service from them.
To anyone who has had a bad experience with Tenda, I am sorry for your trouble. I've been more fortunate, maybe. No, I don't have any stake in the place. Pfft, I wish. I do prefer to patronize local shops, but sometimes, esp. with ammo, they just can't match mail-order pricing. I'm only an hour and a half from Richmond Hill by car, but I detest waiting in line. I've seen how insanely busy they can be, would much rather wait for the delivery truck. Having ordered from them more times than I can recall, my longest wait was 7 weeks (mostly due to restricted red tape), but the average is a week or week and a half. This last time I ordered on Saturday and received the following Friday. I think if you sign up for the free account, it eases the process for them, and your order goes on the deliver pile faster. You have to give the info anyway to make the deal, so why not get the e-flyers too. (Unrelated) I don't understand why this appears as a wall of text - I've tried to add CR's to make it more readable

Go at the right time and there is no line, I just went last Friday their hours online said open till 8pm I got there around 7pm and I was one of 3 people in the store at the time. By the time I found my items and was ready to cash out, I was the last person in the store. He cashed me out I had a little chat with the guy for a few minutes and was on my way. I drove from Mississauga because like everything I have bought there including firearms they had the cheapest price in Canada at the time of purchase.

The only issue Ive ever had with them if I can even consider it an issue, was when I drove there for a bulk ammo that said it was in stock online. When I got there I found out it was in fact not in stock, however the lady that I dealt with offered me and sold me a slightly more expensive ammo for the same price. So really I could not complain.....I do not order online and have things shipped to me, so I can not comment on that side of their business.
7 orders from Tenda and I have only had good experiences, sub-24 hour email response times, and fairly quick shipping turnaround times (2-3 working days). The only issue... which was not their fault in my opinion was a product that was boxed incorrectly from the factory which they caught after I placed the order and they called me to explain the situation and offered me either a discount, or a refund.
I have ordered from Tenda at least 3-4 times a year usually spending $1000. Now they don’t ship powder so I had to drive 2 hours up there to pick up my order. Got home only to find it was wrong. Ordered 8lbs of 4198 and they gave me 8lbs of 4064 which wasn’t even listed on their website. I hate myself for not checking before I left but thought why check because that’s the only 8lb jug of powder they had listed on their site.
Needless to say they would not ship and do a swap so I had to drive back up on my only day off. I swapped the powder and asked if there was anything they could do to reimburse me for all the time and 407 toll that I took on the way back the first time. Mentioned I would buy $1000 worth of ammo and if they could give me 10% off. The owner said he could not do that and offered me a hat instead.
Hilarious. I will never buy from them again. Not very professional at all. They value money more than repeat customers. Here today but I think gone tomorrow. Their time is limited if they continue this type of practice.
Received my order from Tenda today. First time using them.

I was 100% happy throughout the process.
- free shipping is great
- next day email update on the order with transfer number (without needing to ask)
- next day shipping after I forwarded my transfer notification
- 1911 arrived with all parts and more mags than I thought (listing didn’t say, so I assumed 2)
- some targets were thrown in the box which is a nice touch

Great experience here - I thought I would share.
1st and last order with Tenda. $330 order that never arrived and they told me to take it up with UPS. Zero customer service. They are sure happy when you call and order...ignorant and rude when you call them and want your money back or the product you ordered. Stay away CGN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tenda seems to have been talking some heat lately about customer service, so I thought I'd share my experience. This being my third or possibly forth order from them I have always had AMAZING shipping times, and fast responses to emails with there customer service team. If that as well as their great prices isnt enough, this most recent order I asked that they include a print out of their favorite meme(casue I'm a troll), and they threw in 4 pages of memes for me to laugh at. Nice.

Top notch company, I recomend them to everyone

Should put a disclaimer on the bottom

This Message was paid for by the " Tenda Corp" of Ontario.
I've never had a bad experience with Tenda. However, the one time they gave me an online store credit of the difference with the store vs price matching and refunding me the difference on said item. All good either way since they saved me alot of money throughout the years
Good experience thus far with Tenda as well. They give you the option to pay for insurance on shipping. By virtue of that option I assumed Tenda was not responsible if I didn't pay the extra for insurance and the package went missing on route. Insurance on bulk and variety of ammo was cheap. I paid for insurance. Packages arrived quickly and without issue. Maybe they don't have the highest level of customer service. But they do have a great and fairly priced selection of ammo. I will pay for insurance and take my chances. We need all the retailers we can get. This is not exactly high times in the gun world.
Excellent experience with Tenda. Orders are processed fast, the free shipping for ammo is great. I even ordered some bad ammo once on sale, (SVT scorpio) and called them and they happily cancelled my order.
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