Buying experience at Tenda

Should put a disclaimer on the bottom

This Message was paid for by the " Tenda Corp" of Ontario.

It's so fun to see the flood of "low post counters with no transaction history" talk about how awesome tenda is, and how many great deals they have had with them.
Tenda should just work on their customer service, instead of putting so much effort into creating NPCs.
Tenda seems to have been talking some heat lately about customer service, so I thought I'd share my experience. This being my third or possibly forth order from them I have always had AMAZING shipping times, and fast responses to emails with there customer service team. If that as well as their great prices isnt enough, this most recent order I asked that they include a print out of their favorite meme(casue I'm a troll), and they threw in 4 pages of memes for me to laugh at. Nice.

Top notch company, I recomend them to everyone

I totally agree, just bought two rigs from them, couldnt have been better
Have a current pistol order in with them that will be shipping out shortly. Have ordered items many times and have had nothing but great service from Tenda. They are always fast to respond to emails and seem happy to help.
It's so fun to see the flood of "low post counters with no transaction history" talk about how awesome tenda is, and how many great deals they have had with them.
Tenda should just work on their customer service, instead of putting so much effort into creating NPCs.

Yes - the company that can't get their customer service together has organized an army of trolls to defend their honour on Gunnutz. Lol
I've ordered a couple guns and multiple bulk ammo orders from them. No issues yet. I guess when you sell stuff in bulk you'll eventually screw up. That's fine, everyone makes mistakes, but do right by the customer when you do. Word of mouth, both good and bad, travels quickly.
I’ve only dealt with them in person, since I’m local to them. Very friendly, helpful, and great prices. Actually one of the more fun gun shops I’ve been too; since they’re happy to let you handle guns on display, good guys in my experience.
I think all the people who don't understand the hate for tenda have never actually walked into the store themselves. I'd rather get flashbanged and graped by a predator missle than deal with tenda's CCP reps.
Don't be fooled by all these obvious tenda enthusiast accounts either. Nothing on the internet is what it seems anymore. And consider that a retailer who is offering free chocolate on orders over $500 is marked for the inevitable... Financial bankruptcy:0
Don't be fooled by all these obvious tenda enthusiast accounts either. Nothing on the internet is what it seems anymore. And consider that a retailer who is offering free chocolate on orders over $500 is marked for the inevitable... Financial bankruptcy:0

I have shoped there many times in person, because every bulk ammo purchase and multiple firearms purchases, were considerably cheaper then any other gun shop in Canada

Does that make me a "Tenda enthusiast" simply because I haven't had the bad experince some of you seem to have had LOL

IMO if they go out of business it will be because of our government making the bulk of their sales prohibited items. And that will be a sad day for me, because money talks and I appreciate their prices. I don't want to have to go to other local stores and pay %10-20 more for ammo and firearms, that is if those other stores even have stock.
I'm not from the Tenda Fan Club, either:)
Just never had any issues with them. Great guys, who professionally communicate, and serve quickly.
I always walked in or bought online and then picked up from the store, though.
I'm not from the Tenda Fan Club, either:)
Just never had any issues with them. Great guys, who professionally communicate, and serve quickly.
I always walked in or bought online and then picked up from the store, though.

Same here, over 27 orders with them and I think they only f*cked up on one order with me by taking super long to ship
I'd rather get flashbanged and graped by a predator missle than deal with tenda's CCP reps.

Well, I think this is pretty unfair and ignorant, to assume that due to their ethnicity, that they are all CCP sympathizers. If you have actually talked with the owner (which I suspect you have not) and several of the employees, you will know they have an absolute hate on for communism, socialism and especially how Trudeau is trying to implement similar policies for which some of them have seen first hand the absolutely devastating effects and that's why they left Asia and are now in Canada. The owner, Steve, and his wife, Wellen, are staunch anti-Liberals and in fact have had their local CPC candidate onsite speaking to the customer base and have arranged rallies to support their pro-gun CPC candidate. Several of their employees are also born here so I think to make a comment that they are all CCP shows a large degree of misinformation here.
Well, I think this is pretty unfair and ignorant, to assume that due to their ethnicity, that they are all CCP sympathizers. If you have actually talked with the owner (which I suspect you have not) and several of the employees, you will know they have an absolute hate on for communism, socialism and especially how Trudeau is trying to implement similar policies for which some of them have seen first hand the absolutely devastating effects and that's why they left Asia and are now in Canada. The owner, Steve, and his wife, Wellen, are staunch anti-Liberals and in fact have had their local CPC candidate onsite speaking to the customer base and have arranged rallies to support their pro-gun CPC candidate. Several of their employees are also born here so I think to make a comment that they are all CCP shows a large degree of misinformation here.

I can also agree with this. They’re very much about freedom to own guns, in brief in store conversations I’ve had. I’ll support any and all gun shops that provide good service and product.
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