Buying experience at Tenda

Well, I think this is pretty unfair and ignorant, to assume that due to their ethnicity, that they are all CCP sympathizers. If you have actually talked with the owner (which I suspect you have not) and several of the employees, you will know they have an absolute hate on for communism, socialism and especially how Trudeau is trying to implement similar policies for which some of them have seen first hand the absolutely devastating effects and that's why they left Asia and are now in Canada. The owner, Steve, and his wife, Wellen, are staunch anti-Liberals and in fact have had their local CPC candidate onsite speaking to the customer base and have arranged rallies to support their pro-gun CPC candidate. Several of their employees are also born here so I think to make a comment that they are all CCP shows a large degree of misinformation here.

I second the Gazelle. Not even sure what Ladida means but it is both ignorant and makes zero sense.
Well, I think this is pretty unfair and ignorant, to assume that due to their ethnicity, that they are all CCP sympathizers. If you have actually talked with the owner (which I suspect you have not) and several of the employees, you will know they have an absolute hate on for communism, socialism and especially how Trudeau is trying to implement similar policies for which some of them have seen first hand the absolutely devastating effects and that's why they left Asia and are now in Canada. The owner, Steve, and his wife, Wellen, are staunch anti-Liberals and in fact have had their local CPC candidate onsite speaking to the customer base and have arranged rallies to support their pro-gun CPC candidate. Several of their employees are also born here so I think to make a comment that they are all CCP shows a large degree of misinformation here.

Yeah, that one was definitely a nasty response, I was actually going to report it to the moderators, but don't like to be snitchy.
Well, I think this is pretty unfair and ignorant, to assume that due to their ethnicity, that they are all CCP sympathizers. If you have actually talked with the owner (which I suspect you have not) and several of the employees, you will know they have an absolute hate on for communism, socialism and especially how Trudeau is trying to implement similar policies for which some of them have seen first hand the absolutely devastating effects and that's why they left Asia and are now in Canada. The owner, Steve, and his wife, Wellen, are staunch anti-Liberals and in fact have had their local CPC candidate onsite speaking to the customer base and have arranged rallies to support their pro-gun CPC candidate. Several of their employees are also born here so I think to make a comment that they are all CCP shows a large degree of misinformation here.

Well said !
Well, I think this is pretty unfair and ignorant, to assume that due to their ethnicity, that they are all CCP sympathizers. If you have actually talked with the owner (which I suspect you have not) and several of the employees, you will know they have an absolute hate on for communism, socialism and especially how Trudeau is trying to implement similar policies for which some of them have seen first hand the absolutely devastating effects and that's why they left Asia and are now in Canada. The owner, Steve, and his wife, Wellen, are staunch anti-Liberals and in fact have had their local CPC candidate onsite speaking to the customer base and have arranged rallies to support their pro-gun CPC candidate. Several of their employees are also born here so I think to make a comment that they are all CCP shows a large degree of misinformation here.

I have spent a lot of time and money at Tenda for a few obvious reasons. 1. They have stuff! Other stores are out of stock , Tenda has it, not always, but usually. 2. Their prices are usually the lowest, again not always but if not they will price match. 3. In store service is great and comes from knowledgeable staff. I’ve been fortunate to have Wellen attend to my purchase requirements on most trips to the store. And she is incredibly knowledgeable in so many areas that I feel like a rookie when she explains something to me… and I’ve been in the game for over 40 years.
I am not a Pro-Tenda Supporter, I’m a satisfied customer, period.
Don't be fooled by all these obvious tenda enthusiast accounts either. Nothing on the internet is what it seems anymore. And consider that a retailer who is offering free chocolate on orders over $500 is marked for the inevitable... Financial bankruptcy:0

One thing is for sure, if Tenda goes down due to bankruptcy there will be plenty of other stores way ahead of them that bit the dust. And there won’t be many if any left to support our shooting sport.
Will definitely order from Tenda again, just received my order yesterday, no issues and the best price on what I needed. Took a couple of days to ship, but not a big deal.
Will definitely order from Tenda again, just received my order yesterday, no issues and the best price on what I needed. Took a couple of days to ship, but not a big deal.

I order from tenda infrequently, usually I get say a year's worth of ammo and so far no issues whatsoever. Prices are usually pretty decent, although I always laugh that 1 week after my order arrives, I see SFRC will undercut whatever I paid.
Now I have had the odd issue with a complex order, or a potential shipping foul up, bound to happen after about 8-10 transactions over the past decade or so, but the customer service people have always been helpful and speedy to respond to
my questions.... I have no probs with these guys.... Overall, I have been pretty lucky, very few total screw ups, but ya it certainly happens.....
I've never gotten a free hat from them.

I'm happy with the best prices in Canada.

They used to give away the free reusable burlap type of fabric bags with the Tenda logo on it, which are great for hauling groceries. Not sure if there was a minimum spend to get those, but it seems like lately I haven't seen anyone get those, and even with a recent purchase of a lot of ammo, the rep just went in the back and grabbed a couple of boxes to transport the ammo out whereas in previous years I would have gotten 1-2 of those bags. It was a nice bonus while it lasted.
They used to give away the free reusable burlap type of fabric bags with the Tenda logo on it, which are great for hauling groceries. Not sure if there was a minimum spend to get those, but it seems like lately I haven't seen anyone get those, and even with a recent purchase of a lot of ammo, the rep just went in the back and grabbed a couple of boxes to transport the ammo out whereas in previous years I would have gotten 1-2 of those bags. It was a nice bonus while it lasted.

I got a couple of those bags. buy something light. When they ask if you would like a bag say "yes please". They give out the reusable bags when they don't have the plastic.
Lots of ammo will just rip right through the bags, so I would not expect then to offer you the reusable bag. A box would make more sense.
I have an issue that I am trying to work out with with Tenda Canada right now, and I must say, it is not going well so far.

Will give it a few more days before posting more details, as I would like to give them the benefit of doubt...
I tried to buy a new 10/22 with free shipping as advertised, they turned around and wanted shipping saying the courier doesn’t ship to my area in Alberta. I canceled and bought from Tillsonburg, free shipping and shipped the next day. Buyer beware.
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