Buying experience at Tenda

Sells product that isn't in stock, ships incomplete orders and marks them as complete, will change products in your order without your knowledge or consent, poor shipping practices with restricted firearms, avoids answering customers until they post on the forum here, etc.

Yeah, sure hard to give examples eh.

You are special! How many times have you returned to them to experience five specific examples of bad service? Tell us please why you keep going back to them?
Dam they get a bad rap..
I spent almost $1200 on supplies yesterday including Insurance.. called to confirm my order. no waiting no B.S. No issues. The order desk even suggested alternatives for out of stock items.
I've never had a complaint about them. they dont deserve all the bad press imho .
I hope they respond to this thread.
I understand mistakes happen & responsible vendors will do their best to satisfy the customer when needed.
It’s a free country spend your money where you want. But to be fair I don’t think it’s right that Tenda deletes negative review posts and only allows the positive ones. It skews the perception of the business model. Make things right within a decent time frame and there would be no need for many of these repetitive threads. You don’t see this kind of thing nearly as often with other site sponsors. Sure makes one wonder.
I made a purchase a few days back and haven't received any replies by email or shipment info yet when another vendor advertised next day shipping on the same product. Some companies just have excellent customer service (like costco) and some are fairly mediocre. Others are absolutely horrible (visions electronics).
my experiences have been positive. I am a businessman these are my observations. The comparison to costco is hardly fair there is far more legislation regarding selling firearms and ammunition then selling a five gallon tub of laundry detergent. From what I see Tenda runs on tighter margins then there competition. Lower sales price means a higher volume of sales. Higher volume of sales means a higher volume of fullfillment mistakes even if they were totally awesome like their competitors. Also a higher volume of sales means that more product sold will be defective. Tenda like almost all firearm retailers does not take back defective product it advises the customer to contact the manafacturer warranty center. A pleasant experience said no one ever.
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I've had only positive experiences with Tenda, typically the best prices in GTA. Shipping is slower than others, but I only discovered them post covid, so I'm not sure if they can take all of the blame (I'm looking at you Can Post). I'm also somewhat local and do in store pick up, if I don't qualify for free shipping.
my experiences have been positive. The complaints I am seeing are with the product which like almost all firearms retailers they do not allow returns. The same thing could happen from Canadian Tire or wherever.

You are not buying a gun from Costco there is far more regulations regarding the sale of firearms to selling 5 gallons of laundry detergent.

I guess you’re missing all the ones where they don’t have items in stock that they say they do?
I've never had anything shipped from Tenda as I used to work 5 minutes from the store. They're a 25 minute drive from where I live, so (until Covid lock-downs) I honestly looked forward to driving down there and poking around. Always found what I needed, and usually left with something I didn't really need...but couldn't pass-up.

Based on how eager they are to help in-store, how willing they are to let you handle whatever gun/optic you want to see (I avoid this temptation) I find it hard to believe they're not trying their very best with shipped orders. They appear to have allot invested in inventory, and it's one of the few stores that seem to have all the "hot ticket" guns on display that you see people fired-up about here on CGN.

Not saying they haven't messed-up or that any of the complaints aren't valid, but what I see as an in-store customer is this-they're working hard, they're hustling to serve customers and do it with a very positive, enthusiastic attitude. I hope the errors/mistakes/unwanted substitutions etc. are all "Growing pains" and that they've tightened that all up.
In my opinion you measure a business not by how they react when everything goes as it should, but by how they react and treat customers when mistakes are made on their end. Everyone makes mistakes, there is no shame in that, its how you handle yourself when mistakes are made that is the difference. I have made multiple orders with many of the retailers advertising on this site, and some of them have made mistakes and how they have handled the situation after making a mistake is why I keep going back to those businesses. Tenda is not one of them. YMMV.
The internet...
I used to work at Wholesale Sports - sort of Tendaish, probably bigger. I saw all kinds of "bad customer experiences" some real, some blown up, some no fault of ours. Some ppl hated us, some loved us, and some just took us for what we were - a big volume retailer that sold a lot of everything and didn't really specialize in anything. Tenda is fine. I have probably a dozen or more transactions worth 5k or more and they all worked out "in spec".
I have been happy with Tenda until they shipped me a rifle with missing parts(half a gas system). Sent them an email and I've been waiting for an answer from them for 2 days as of right now. How long does it take to get an answer from them ?
Ordered products that were out of stock before and they shipped me one of greater value after contacting me. Great service and generally good prices!
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