Buying experience at Tenda


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Tenda seems to have been talking some heat lately about customer service, so I thought I'd share my experience. This being my third or possibly forth order from them I have always had AMAZING shipping times, and fast responses to emails with there customer service team. If that as well as their great prices isnt enough, this most recent order I asked that they include a print out of their favorite meme(casue I'm a troll), and they threw in 4 pages of memes for me to laugh at. Nice.

Top notch company, I recomend them to everyone
Easy to hate, but hard to give examples why. I'm a happy customer.

Sells product that isn't in stock, ships incomplete orders and marks them as complete, will change products in your order without your knowledge or consent, poor shipping practices with restricted firearms, avoids answering customers until they post on the forum here, etc.

Yeah, sure hard to give examples eh.
Yup, easy to hate, but usually unnecessary hate. Sure, they might not be the most efficient or best online retailer in the country but definitely not worthy of the negative callouts on this forum.
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