If You Need It, Get Your Ammo Quick.

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Hunting rounds are not as rare yet, but as demand for the big three (9mm, 223, & 308), goes up, production focus will shift away from hunting to handgun/black rifle rounds. 22LR is not much of a money maker for the ammo companies and is normally the first to limit or cease production in favor of others.

It is perhaps a 2 weeks away from really being noticed. 9mm is selling for up to $2 per round and 223 is selling for around $1.00-$1.50. There was a Canadian company who purchased most of the distributor inventory in Canada and exported it back to the USA when they relized that there was a premium to be made on the market down there.

Prices will probally not rise here, more likely product will just disapear.

Somone I know well from the USA asked me where he could by 223 ammo. I told him that, I had no idea and asked him why he wanted more (he had 8 cases). He said he was buying it for the purpose of using it as currency incases things head south. If even 5% of the nation starts to think that way, you are looking at months or years of shortages.

Thanks for the heads up
"fear mongering"
It's reality, you're completely out to lunch if you can't recognize wanting ammo and not being able to buy it at all is going to be reality for at least a bit moving forward. It's already happening, it's not a "may happen".

Just looking on ammobin.ca for things like 7.62x39 shows how low stock has gotten. Most barnual bulk is gone, and the price has been steadily rising. Click most the links over there and things are just sold out.
I stocked up on reloading supplies today from a different vendor, but still appreciate the heads up. I have bought a handgun from Frontier & they were great. It’s not fear mongering or any dis-service at all. Hats off to you Frontier... I hope to buy another from you sometime soon

As to who the Canadian business was that sold out to the US... who could blame them? Profit is not a dirty word
I stocked up on reloading supplies today from a different vendor, but still appreciate the heads up. I have bought a handgun from Frontier & they were great. It’s not fear mongering or any dis-service at all. Hats off to you Frontier... I hope to buy another from you sometime soon

As to who the Canadian business was that sold out to the US... who could blame them? Profit is not a dirty word

It would seem that Canadian business has studied The Rules of Acquisition rather thoroughly. The Grand Nagus could only hope for such a deal. Hard to blame anyone from wanting to earn a profit.
Thanks for the heads up Marlon. I’m not quite sure how a business owner letting people know that HE can’t get ammo is “fear monger in”, but I’m sure that in 3 months people will be on your case because you don’t have any ammo now that they want to buy.

I’ve heard the exact same thing from Phil at P & D, both in person and on this site. He actually started a thread ( much like this one) to let people know that he’s never seen anything like this in his life, and that there WILL be shortages coming. That was followed by about 4 pages of people telling him that he didn’t know what he was talking about, that this happens every 4 years, and basically accusing him of lying to try and sell more ammo.

Looks like this thread is headed the same way.
Yankees are also paying double MSRP for reloading tools, especially progressive presses. I jumped on a NIB Hornady LnL in the EE because I saw them going for $1000 USD on eBay. Ditto for 223 and 9mm reloading dies. Even Cabelas.ca is showing no online stock. When Lee dies are selling for $80+ US you know there's high demand!

Good thing I just bought 1000's of bullets and primers. Just wish I could have afforded more because stock on my preferred projectiles is now pretty much zero. Heck, I was looking for certain Lee bullet molds and moat of those are sold out, too! Might have to support the smaller mold makers in the States, which is probably a good thing. People are buying anything and everything.
Things are only going to get crazier down there, unfortunately. We know cartridges are being affected, but is it the same situation for 12 gauge shells?
Thanks for the heads up Marlon. I’m not quite sure how a business owner letting people know that HE can’t get ammo is “fear monger in”, but I’m sure that in 3 months people will be on your case because you don’t have any ammo now that they want to buy.

I’ve heard the exact same thing from Phil at P & D, both in person and on this site. He actually started a thread ( much like this one) to let people know that he’s never seen anything like this in his life, and that there WILL be shortages coming. That was followed by about 4 pages of people telling him that he didn’t know what he was talking about, that this happens every 4 years, and basically accusing him of lying to try and sell more ammo.

Looks like this thread is headed the same way.

Oh no, I believe this is worse than ever before. And it will get better. It may take time, but my guess is Federal and Winchester will double down on ammo production. They kind of have to. Especially Winchester with them getting the next 9mm production contract for the US military. Biden and Harris are going to have conniption fits about ammo production doubling, but that's the price of being the President of the country with the most guns in the world. They may try to cut off credit cards for purchasing ammo, but people will find a way. Always have, always will.
...They may try to cut off credit cards for purchasing ammo, but people will find a way. Always have, always will.

Not sure about the CC companies; they're probably one of the few that are greedier than the politicians. I do, however, agree that people always will, and always have found other forms of currency. We're just getting fancier and more sophisticated i.e. Bitcoin...
Yankees are also paying double MSRP for reloading tools, especially progressive presses. I jumped on a NIB Hornady LnL in the EE because I saw them going for $1000 USD on eBay. Ditto for 223 and 9mm reloading dies. Even Cabelas.ca is showing no online stock. When Lee dies are selling for $80+ US you know there's high demand!

Good thing I just bought 1000's of bullets and primers. Just wish I could have afforded more because stock on my preferred projectiles is now pretty much zero. Heck, I was looking for certain Lee bullet molds and moat of those are sold out, too! Might have to support the smaller mold makers in the States, which is probably a good thing. People are buying anything and everything.

I got in on a xl 750 on sale early in 2020 very glad I did. Just a heads up I bought a noe bullet mold before Christmas and it still hasn't showed up. Fingers crossed
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Not sure about the CC companies; they're probably one of the few that are greedier than the politicians. I do, however, agree that people always will, and always have found other forms of currency. We're just getting fancier and more sophisticated i.e. Bitcoin...

They've been moving to this for years. Basically telling companies their association with firearms companies is unacceptable. Not mandated on a government level, but other business interests (I'm assuming Bloomberg) and others basically give them an ultimatum of "we will go to a different provider if you don't cut off access to gun companies." It's a very smart, disingenuous and evil way of going for gun control without actually having government backing or approval.
Prices for primers in the usa GB are north of $200/1000

22 rf are approaching $1 round

This is nothing like Obama times...

People are lined up at all gun stores around the US

This is a time never seen before with senile Biden at the helm a pandemic/China the list goes on...


25,000 troops in the capital ...nothing like this before ... everyone will be scared and trying to buy. It’ll be like the toilet paper .. I got one case, but maybe I should get two and so on and so on.
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