An update on ATRS vs the federal government action.

I get excited every time I see this post getting replies. Always gets my hopes up.

The fact that any government can pull what the Libs did is infuriating.

Years of lost sales for ATRS and the limbo for all owners is unacceptable.

I’d sure like to use my carbines again.
If you have one, go enjoy it, because it’s not prohibited by the OIC, nor any other law.

Maybe it’s already done somewhere else but…
Shaun, could you please post the documents that state the modern spotter is: “An amalgamation of multiple platforms deriving their origins from no one variant".

That way whoever chooses to shoot their modern sporter can at least carry this document with them.
It’s not a golden ticket, but it’s all we got. Everyone can be responsible for their own risk.
I am not a lawyer and cannot/will not offer legal advice.

My understanding to the best of my ability, NOT to be construed as legal advice, is that the only thing prohibiting the Modern Sporter, Modern Varmint, and Modern Hunter is the FRT changes.
They are not listed in the OIC or CCoC; and direct RCMP inspection documents stated they are "An amalgamation of multiple platforms deriving their origins from no one variant".

The FRT is opinion, not law.

It must be a bittwersweet feeling when your products are still some of the most coveted things on the 2nd hand market. The demand is there regardless of frt nonsense and insane inflation, but you guys cant make anything off it now
I dont think any of that matters now.

The old one pulled the trigger. Now I imagine the company doesn't want to operate with potential liability. I also imagine the attempted coercive theft of customer information left a bad taste in their mouth.

The CFO also gave them a bit of a unique opportunity to attack the OIC in a different way. Anything the industry can do to help it should, now they should be backing this shop in the open
I believe greentips answered this a few months ago as being in a grey zone. Currently there is no FRT showing them as NR, all show prohibited. At your own risk.
It's been quite some time. Any news for us, guys?
ATRS Response: No news currently.

My own personal opinion and not reflective of the opinion of my employer:

I'm not entirely convinced that's a bad thing... Given how punitive and vindictive the courts were against the CCFR/NFA/Hipwell case... Reading the decision stating that the RCMP do not owe firearm owners any procedural fairness, and the gooberment does not owe gun owners any procedural fairness... Doesn't really inspire confidence in the judiciary. And I think we have the same Judge if I'm not mistaken...

If the media was bought for 600 million... wonder how much it cost the Libs to buy the courts. Looks like it only took a handful of strategic appointments over the decades.
I'm curious what bearing the new AB CFO has on this? It was my understanding that the old CFO is to blame for these legal woes? Has the new one done anything to help you guys?
I'm curious what bearing the new AB CFO has on this? It was my understanding that the old CFO is to blame for these legal woes? Has the new one done anything to help you guys?

My personal response, not a legal expert:
Can't really do anything while it's before the courts, I am a big fan of Teri Bryant, our new AB CFO. We've had better communication and relations with the new CFO and all of their officers, despite our legal case, than ever before.
ATRS Response: No news currently.

My own personal opinion and not reflective of the opinion of my employer:

I'm not entirely convinced that's a bad thing... Given how punitive and vindictive the courts were against the CCFR/NFA/Hipwell case... Reading the decision stating that the RCMP do not owe firearm owners any procedural fairness, and the gooberment does not owe gun owners any procedural fairness... Doesn't really inspire confidence in the judiciary. And I think we have the same Judge if I'm not mistaken...

If the media was bought for 600 million... wonder how much it cost the Libs to buy the courts. Looks like it only took a handful of strategic appointments over the decades.
The courts?

What a laugh, an evil Mr. Burns laugh.
They are well captured thru a series of events. 50 years of slow creeping liberal cretins infiltrating all aspects of society.
Be a repeat violent firearm offender, and nary a bail requirement, out on the street next day to kill and cause more mayhem.

Show defiance to justin and his treasonous hordes in Coutts AB, well that is imprisonment without bail ideally for 2 years
Dare to protest in ottawa and scare the walking pussys of ottawa, ohhh de banked for that
Ummm show up for a court challenge of grand poo-bah justin re a firearms ban that he pulled out of jagneets rump, OHH ya paying costs
for that, and in fact, we will have the AG do every stalling procedure possible to maximize your lawyer costs AND we will whack you for AG
costs as well.... Will the existing laws of canada be followed, only if they are convieint for justin.
Welcome to canada, the banana republic without any bananas

Of course we make sure you have to navigate the most anti firearm judge in the country, since if don king knows how to fix judges
you can bet justin does as well... There is no rule of law in canada.... whomever is the PM is dictator, until the electorate throws him (her) out.
I have never seen such an awesome video explanation of the sh1t-hole Canada has become!.....:(

How disgraceful!

And yet we still have @sshole Liberal firearms owners that vote for this most violent, corrupt and tyrannical government.

One can definitely not fix stupidity.
Canada is post national state, run by middle managers now, with no loyalty or duty towards the people. Blame Trudeau Sr. for these judges, he paved the way for this american style liberal judicial system with the canadian constitution he put in place. In a sense we are more american than america this way. The feds have more ways to "protect" rights (not working on sunday, abortion) of individuals from pesky provinces.
We need to go back to our roots of monarchy
The courts?

What a laugh, an evil Mr. Burns laugh.
They are well captured thru a series of events. 50 years of slow creeping liberal cretins infiltrating all aspects of society.
Be a repeat violent firearm offender, and nary a bail requirement, out on the street next day to kill and cause more mayhem.

Show defiance to justin and his treasonous hordes in Coutts AB, well that is imprisonment without bail ideally for 2 years
Dare to protest in ottawa and scare the walking pussys of ottawa, ohhh de banked for that
Ummm show up for a court challenge of grand poo-bah justin re a firearms ban that he pulled out of jagneets rump, OHH ya paying costs
for that, and in fact, we will have the AG do every stalling procedure possible to maximize your lawyer costs AND we will whack you for AG
costs as well.... Will the existing laws of canada be followed, only if they are convieint for justin.
Welcome to canada, the banana republic without any bananas

Of course we make sure you have to navigate the most anti firearm judge in the country, since if don king knows how to fix judges
you can bet justin does as well... There is no rule of law in canada.... whomever is the PM is dictator, until the electorate throws him (her) out.
This video sums it up.
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