An update on ATRS vs the federal government action.

June 29th update.
Ed and team were in court today for several hours presenting arguments in front of Judge Gagne. Many were heard from both sides, a few dismissed but the important ones stood.
Now we wait for her decision as she has reserved decision for now.

Sorry we were hoping for more concrete info to pass along but it could be worse. Her decision could have been an instant and unfavourable one. Reserved is not always bad.
More to follow as we get it.

Hope to see good updates to come!
June 29th update.
Ed and team were in court today for several hours presenting arguments in front of Judge Gagne. Many were heard from both sides, a few dismissed but the important ones stood.
Now we wait for her decision as she has reserved decision for now.

Sorry we were hoping for more concrete info to pass along but it could be worse. Her decision could have been an instant and unfavourable one. Reserved is not always bad.
More to follow as we get it.

Judge Gagne is a garbage liberal though, as far as I've seen. She rejected the request for injunction against the OIC due to irreparable harm... which should have been an easy thing to approve, because some people use their firearms to hunt for food... and if your only rifle is caught in the ban then it puts you in a rather bad spot.
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A FUNDRAISING CALL TO ACTION, and legal action update!

To everyone who has donated, we can't put to words how much it is appreciated. But the help we need comes from the everyday shooter, not just the super wealthy.
We're still asking for help, because 100 or 200 people can't pull the weight of this motion alone.

The next time you hear a friend complaining about the gun ban, ask them what they've done to help ? If they can't answer, or don't know how to help, point them towards this case!

$5, $10, $50.

Anything you can put towards this helps the entire industry, every gun owner, and will finally put the corruption of the RCMP SFSS and CFO in its place!

The meeting at the end of last month set a deadline to respond to motions filed against each side, the deadline to file the response was today and that means the legal bill for that just got sent to us as well. The attorney generals office has moved to strike the entire case. We have filed to have each client represented by their own counsel. I look forward to reviewing their response.
This battle is far from over and is just getting to the most critical point, we need this case to see it's day in court!

Donations can still be sent to our new email address that is for the purposes of accepting donations without gofund me taking a percentage for credit card processing. If you would like to send an EMT, just make the password "lpcisevil"

Our Go Fund Me link is still active here if you prefer to use a CC and get points:

Bump for EMT dono. Keep it up, ATRS
I am dumb, but does the OIC extension's details apply to your guy's case?

Or is the company still barred from fulfilling orders?

Also BUMP for Fundraising Awareness
I am dumb, but does the OIC extension's details apply to your guy's case?

Or is the company still barred from fulfilling orders?

Also BUMP for Fundraising Awareness

Thanks for the bump!!

Our legal action is still ongoing and on advice of counsel we are to respect the cease and desist order from the EX CFO so as to not hamper our case.
So short answer, no , we are still stuck in a holding pattern.
Thanks for the bump!!

Our legal action is still ongoing and on advice of counsel we are to respect the cease and desist order from the EX CFO so as to not hamper our case.
So short answer, no , we are still stuck in a holding pattern.

That’s rough to hear. I would give pretty well any gun in my safe for the chance at an MS16. Legitimately one of my favorite guns of all time. I hope you guys can start manufacturing again soon!!!!
So can I buy one of these on the secondary market since it's not listed in the OIC?

I am not a lawyer and cannot/will not offer legal advice.

My understanding to the best of my ability, NOT to be construed as legal advice, is that the only thing prohibiting the Modern Sporter, Modern Varmint, and Modern Hunter is the FRT changes.
They are not listed in the OIC or CCoC; and direct RCMP inspection documents stated they are "An amalgamation of multiple platforms deriving their origins from no one variant".

The FRT is opinion, not law.
I am not a lawyer and cannot/will not offer legal advice.

My understanding to the best of my ability, NOT to be construed as legal advice, is that the only thing prohibiting the Modern Sporter, Modern Varmint, and Modern Hunter is the FRT changes.
They are not listed in the OIC or CCoC; and direct RCMP inspection documents stated they are "An amalgamation of multiple platforms deriving their origins from no one variant".

The FRT is opinion, not law.

Why aren’t you guys still making / selling them? I wish I could get one 🥹
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