Type 81 Drum mag

Any rough timeframe of when a video is going to be made for the drum wheel installation.

It is very easy 4 out of 10 on the difficult scale only because you need a grinding tool and a bit. Youtube how to take one apart. The only difference is you need to slightly grind the 2 spot welds off the the threaded spindle with a dremel. It took minutes. Literally!

Baffles me that amount of request for this. Take 5 min and research it. Like changing a tire on a car. Not trying to be negative but like with my kids. It’s good to figure stuff on your own. Builds a generation of self learners and starters. I mean no disrespect at all so I apologize if this offends anyone.
We asked our gunsmith to make but he's been working non-stop past couple months on design, testing and now production of T81 side mounts. Wasn't there a video already on youtube or something?
It is very easy 4 out of 10 on the difficult scale only because you need a grinding tool and a bit. Youtube how to take one apart. The only difference is you need to slightly grind the 2 spot welds off the the threaded spindle with a dremel. It took minutes. Literally!

Baffles me that amount of request for this. Take 5 min and research it. Like changing a tire on a car. Not trying to be negative but like with my kids. It’s good to figure stuff on your own. Builds a generation of self learners and starters. I mean no disrespect at all so I apologize if this offends anyone.

Just speaking for me, I have watched one or two of the videos on other threads, but would prefer watching the one TI puts out before I start tinkering away. Not doing this before, I want to make sure it's done the way the manufacturer says to. Nothing against the handy guys who know what they are doing, I envy you, but I'll wait for the training wheels video from the distributor.
Simple, grab pliers, twist wing nut with them till the tac welds break (you'll hear a pop) and spin off wing nut, out comes wheel assembly.

I've done it to several already. No need to drill the welds off, they are pretty crappy welds to start with and I found it way easier just to snap the little welds by forcing the wing nut off.

Took all of 2 mins.

Just make SURE to pin drum to 5
Simple, grab pliers, twist wing nut with them till the tac welds break (you'll hear a pop) and spin off wing nut, out comes wheel assembly.

I've done it to several already. No need to drill the welds off, they are pretty crappy welds to start with and I found it way easier just to snap the little welds by forcing the wing nut off.

Took all of 2 mins.

Just make SURE to pin drum to 5

I did end up doing it myself but mine was not nearly as easy as you described. I had quite a bit of beefy welds and had to use a Dremel cutoff wheel for each weld. You have to be careful not to cut into the stem also.
I have a lot of experience with machining and gunsmithing in general, and think that a video would still be good for those who may not have the confidence to just tackle it without a little guidance.
Unfortunately I’m not good with video or I would have made one.
Ok please excuse my ignorance. I got a drum with my LMG so I'm curious what exactly y'all are talking about. Or perhaps direct me to another thread that explained it?
Ok please excuse my ignorance. I got a drum with my LMG so I'm curious what exactly y'all are talking about. Or perhaps direct me to another thread that explained it?

Even if you wanted to, you could not load it with 75 rounds. Go to youtube and you will see the difference.

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