Surplus Lee Enfields

Wow that's nearly a thousand dollars for a rather rough rifle when you have paid the taxes!

I bought my 1st. LE Sporter for $17. back in the day. I bought a #4 like this made in Long Branch, in great sgape for $125. around
1990. Those days are GONE !!! If you can find better prices than listed here in a retail setting buy all you can.
And welcome to 2021. They aren't making these anymore. If you know of a secret stash of No.4s for half the price, go get as many as you can!

Fair enough, milsurp was once a cheap way to get neat guns or for hunting/plinking. Those days are gone and its just the collectors that are left.

However for that kind of money you can get a pretty decent no4 in good condition with a good bore, these rifles are completely worn with no finish. I am also willing to bet half of the rifles will keyhole and have serious pitting under the stock line (if these are the royal tiger imports).

They are cool since old well used rifles are cool but I can't justify that kind of price premium.
I'm ready to buy but as others are saying would like to know origin before pulling the trigger. All the Ethiopian rifles that are coming into the states are pretty rough.

I can confirm this is not true. There are some poor reviews online sure. But none of the guns we received are in the condition of the few YouTube videos that are out there.

Remember you make 1 customer happy and you may get 2 referrals, make 1 customer mad and you can loose 100.
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I have logged in on my day off to address your questions and I feel I have done so but I will make this post in hopes to clear up any further concerns.

We have done our research on the RT guns and where met with the same concerns as many of you. So we placed a test order to see what the product was really like. We are happy to report these rifles are not in the same condition as the few reviews online outlining the short comings.

It should be noted we go through each shooter gun and examine it, clean it and oil the stocks before they are sent out.

Are these collector grade pieces? no and I do not believe we have advertised them as such.

These are gun that are meant to be shot and/or fixed up as a project.

At the end of the day no one is forcing anyone to purchase these guns. If you are looking for a NO 4 and don't want to pay 1000+ from at other retailers for non number matching examples then this might be a good fit for you. If these arn't what your looking for then that is all good.

I do ask you to respect the amount of work it takes to track down and bring new product to market during a pandemic and in one of the worst ammo/firearm droughts many of use will see in our lifetimes. That goes for all retailers and distributors.

Lastly we do not control outside costs like currency rates, taxes, brokerage etc.

In the end they will all get sold. Its not like the Commonwealth Armories are teeming with these things anymore.
Thank you very much for your work Wanstalls. Do you plan to import other rifles from RT? There are a lot of interesting rifles that have been imported from Africa.
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