Surplus Lee Enfields

I have logged in on my day off to address your questions and I feel I have done so but I will make this post in hopes to clear up any further concerns.

We have done our research on the RT guns and where met with the same concerns as many of you. So we placed a test order to see what the product was really like. We are happy to report these rifles are not in the same condition as the few reviews online outlining the short comings.

It should be noted we go through each shooter gun and examine it, clean it and oil the stocks before they are sent out.

Are these collector grade pieces? no and I do not believe we have advertised them as such.

These are gun that are meant to be shot and/or fixed up as a project.

At the end of the day no one is forcing anyone to purchase these guns. If you are looking for a NO 4 and don't want to pay 1000+ from at other retailers for non number matching examples then this might be a good fit for you. If these arn't what your looking for then that is all good.

I do ask you to respect the amount of work it takes to track down and bring new product to market during a pandemic and in one of the worst ammo/firearm droughts many of use will see in our lifetimes. That goes for all retailers and distributors.

Lastly we do not control outside costs like currency rates, taxes, brokerage etc.


Well said! Lots of people here almost think you have been gifted these and you look to make a huge profit. I imagine it takes a tremendous amount of someone’s time just to source these. Never mind the logistics of getting the deal done and brought up here. It’s good to see any surplus guns come in period.
I bought my 1st. LE Sporter for $17. back in the day. I bought a #4 like this made in Long Branch, in great sgape for $125. around
1990. Those days are GONE !!! If you can find better prices than listed here in a retail setting buy all you can.
A friend of mne who is quite knowledgeable about these things told me that after the war surplus Enfields were sold for $20/ton. Yes, by the ton!

I wish I could go back to the 50's when, as a kid I saw Enfields and 1903 Springfields for $10-$15 and Johnson rifles for $20. As recently as the mid 90's I personally saw EX-VG condition Garands at Springfield Sporters in Pennsylvania for $200. But unless you have a time machine those days are long gone and prices are only going to go up. Don't want to pay the price then don't. Just don't expect to see them ever getting any cheaper.
A friend of mne who is quite knowledgeable about these things told me that after the war surplus Enfields were sold for $20/ton. Yes, by the ton!

I wish I could go back to the 50's when, as a kid I saw Enfields and 1903 Springfields for $10-$15 and Johnson rifles for $20. As recently as the mid 90's I personally saw EX-VG condition Garands at Springfield Sporters in Pennsylvania for $200. But unless you have a time machine those days are long gone and prices are only going to go up. Don't want to pay the price then don't. Just don't expect to see them ever getting any cheaper.

Don't forget the barrels of enfield magazines... *sigh*
I do not think they are stiffing us, they have to pay the going rate and charge enough to make a buck, otherwise we lose yet another supplier!as these get more scarce the price keeps going up, that is natural! Wanstalls also puts on deals when they can and pass on the savings! Around 3 years ago they put a sale on Mosin 91/30. $107 each if I remember correctly,,, I bought 5 should have bought 25, hindsight being 20/20, the market is the market! Buy or do not, end of story.
Good for you Wanstalls -for fighting back. Too many whine for free -you folks have to do the work, and take the risk.
These were more or less what I was looking for. I just wanted a #4 without depriving the collectors of their well caredfor/all matching/specific mfg/stamp pieces. To me even if it's a poor/oddball piece, I still have one. I've spent more on dumber things.
In the ''Olden'' Days S.I.R. in Winnipeg had the ''Gunsmith'' grade Lee Enfields
in a wine barrel for $19.99.

Just a step down from the the barrel of ''Shooter'' grade at $29.99 .
I have logged in on my day off to address your questions and I feel I have done so but I will make this post in hopes to clear up any further concerns.

We have done our research on the RT guns and where met with the same concerns as many of you. So we placed a test order to see what the product was really like. We are happy to report these rifles are not in the same condition as the few reviews online outlining the short comings.

It should be noted we go through each shooter gun and examine it, clean it and oil the stocks before they are sent out.

Are these collector grade pieces? no and I do not believe we have advertised them as such.

These are gun that are meant to be shot and/or fixed up as a project.

At the end of the day no one is forcing anyone to purchase these guns. If you are looking for a NO 4 and don't want to pay 1000+ from at other retailers for non number matching examples then this might be a good fit for you. If these arn't what your looking for then that is all good.

I do ask you to respect the amount of work it takes to track down and bring new product to market during a pandemic and in one of the worst ammo/firearm droughts many of use will see in our lifetimes. That goes for all retailers and distributors.

Lastly we do not control outside costs like currency rates, taxes, brokerage etc.


I appreciate you bringing these in for sale!
Could you please post a picture or a few of the Lee Enfields here?

I can't believe people are complaining about this. Give your heads a shake. You will probably NEVER see full stock surplus enfields again. The prices are at or below anything else available anywhere. Honestly, CGN is a disappointing place sometimes. With this kind of reaction it is amazing any dealer wants to make efforts to get us anything like this, or will want to again in the future. I eagerly await some reports and pics, thanks to Wanstalls for making the effort to get them in.
I bought one of the “gunsmith” versions, we will see what it is like. I have tons of enfield parts lying around so it will be easy to bring it back to life.

But looking forward to see what I get.
I think the gun smith guns are to expensive but i mean don't trash wanstalls for bringing them in. they are not price gouging them or anything. they just cost what they cost. i am not sure any of you guys have seen the value of the CAD dollar lately. Get used to it. if you want one buy one if you don't then don't buy one.
Somthing we have to get used to...these "Gundemics" that always originate in the states from paranoid times every few years, always effectic us all with shortages, hoarding, inflating and in some cases optimistic gouging.
I bought a #1 Mk3 in 2016 refurbish and 8-10 condition for $650, I wouldn't consider parting with if for less than $1000 because I know that's what it would take to replace it. Oh and I am old enough to remember the same rifle in a barrel for $40 in our local hardware store.
Although I think these prices are out to lunch and dought the prices will come down after the gundemic, it's nice to see some retailer's are trying to acquire these, you know their going to sell and people will panic buy at any cost, so if you want or need one, best scoop them up.
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